Die Zukunft von macOS mit ARM-Prozessoren?!

manchmal denke ich JEDE App.
Wenn ich im Kalender nicht mal einen Termin kopieren kann oder eine Mail in der Mail.app nicht als PDF speichern kann denke ich, ich bin in den 90er Jahren.
Das funktioniert, wie beim Mac, über Drucken.

Aber wie @maba_de schreibt, die Upgrade-Angebote sind alle Workarounds (Omnigroup macht das über kostenfreie Apps und InApp-Käufe). Apple ist da nicht hilfreich und will es auch nicht sein.
Weiterleiten -> Drucken -> Drucken -> dann kannst du auswählen wo das PDF hin soll.
ok, das ist wirklich dämlich. Wenn man einen AirPrint fähigen Drucker hat und er dort hinterlegt ist druckt die Mail.app, wenn ich auf Drucken-Drucken klicke.
Nur, wenn dort kein Drucker hinterlegt ist komme ich in das von dir erwähnte Menü.
Sollte dort ein Drucker hinterlegt sein kann ich den auch nicht abwählen.
Sorry, aber das ist selten dämlich.
Oder die Druckvorschau mit Pinch to Zoom vergrößern und dann das PDF weiterleiten / speichern.
ok. so komme ich wenigstens in jedem Fall in das Teilen Menü.
Aber sorry, von it just works ist da so gar nicht mehr übriggebliebene, das ist einfach nur dämlich gelöst.
In anderen Apps wie Spark wähle ich die Mail aus und klicke "als PDF exportieren" an und fertig.
Da hilft der alte Trick: In die Druckvorschau zoomen.
kannte ich nicht. @chris25 hat es ja auch gerade geschrieben.
Meine Meinung bleibt, das ist wirklich extrem dämlich gelöst.

Apple stand mal für Einfachheit. Das erreichen sie nur noch, weil sie extrem viele Funktionen einfach weglassen oder so skurril verstecken, dass man da nicht drauf kommt.
ok. so komme ich wenigstens in jedem Fall in das Teilen Menü.
Aber sorry, von it just works ist da so gar nicht mehr übriggebliebene, das ist einfach nur dämlich gelöst.
In anderen Apps wie Spark wähle ich die Mail aus und klicke "als PDF exportieren" an und fertig.
Da stimme ich dir zu. Da wäre ich auch nie drauf gekommen! Einfacher wäre es gewesen, an Stelle des Standarddruckers einfach den PDF-Drucker auswählen zu können.
Allerdings würde ich deswegen niemals zu Spark greifen. Die Datenschutzbedingungen von Readdle sind zu Recht schon mehrfach kritisiert worden, insbesondere die von Spark. Übrigens sind wir ja eigentlich laut Threadtitel bei macOS. Aus irgendwelchen Gründen sind wir auf einmal bei iOS gelandet.
Um vom Universum wieder auf den Boden der näheren Zukunft zu blicken: Es gibt einige handfeste Gerüchte, dass die nächsten großen iMacs mit M1-Chip kommen, allerdings mit gestapeltem Die, also vermutlich der doppelten Ausstattung wie die MacBookPro der neuen Generation.
Die Gerüchte sind insofern handfest wie Martin Hector (er arbeitet daran Linux auf die neuen M1 CPUs zu portieren) schreibt :
Er fand heraus, dass der IRQ-Controller im M1 Pro/Max offensichtlich mit einer zweiten (bis dato ungenutzten) Hälfte für ein zweites DIE entwickelt wurde. Apple hat damit also bereits jegliche Vorarbeit für einen M1 Pro/Max Duo Chip geleistet.
Dieser Umstand könnte auch einen Weg neuer MacPros vorzeichnen, da ist im Prinzip noch einiges möglich. Es sieht also so aus, als wenn Apple ziemlich langfristig in diese Richtung gehen wird.

Noch ein netter Fakt: Prinzipiell sollte das ARM-windows recht gut auf den Apple prozessoren laufen, allein Qualcom (die liefern für Microsoft die CPUs) hat sich vertraglich zusichern lassen, das ARM-Windows nur auf Qualcomprozessoren laufen darf. Dieser Vertrag ist aber befristet. Für Intel wird die Luft dünner, aber sie sind auch nicht unschuldig an dieser Entwicklung.

edit: hier noch der "unterschlagene link" auf einen Artikel zum "Doppelpack-iMac" > https://www.notebookcheck.com/Geruecht-Apple-iMac-Pro-kommt-mit-20-Core-M1-Max-Duo.579917.0.html
Und du schließt dafür dann Software-Abos ab? Welche App bietet denn dafür so viel Mehrwert gegenüber den mitgelieferten Apps?
Wieso immer gleich Abos? Ich benutze fast keine der mitgelieferten Apps. Anstelle von
  • Apple Mail -> MailMate (der mächstigste Mailclient) und für die Arbeit neuerdings eM Client, weil das der EINZIGE Exchange-Client für macOS ist der Shared-Accounts abonnieren kann.
  • Apple Kalender -> BusyCal
  • Apple Kontakte -> BusyContacts
  • Spotlight (Frontend) -> Alfred
  • Finder -> Path Finder
  • Safari -> Firefox. es gibt genau einen einzigen Fall, wofür ich Safari benutze: Apple Business Manager
  • Terminal -> iTerm
Für nichts davon ist ein Abo nötig.
Für Intel wird die Luft dünner, aber sie sind auch nicht unschuldig an dieser Entwicklung.
der Konkurrent von Intel ist AMD, nicht Apple mit ihrem ARM - sosehr sich das einige hier wünschen würden.
Es steht und fällt mit Windows und Microsoft wird einen Teufel tun, eine weitere Baustelle aufzutun.
Alle ARM Schritte Microsofts sind nicht mal halbherzig zu bezeichnen, das sind öffentliche Machbarkeitsstudien, mehr nicht.
Microsoft hat sich verpflichtet auf volle Kompatibilität - möglich, dass das irgendwann auch mal für die ARM Plattform gilt.
Bis dahin ist Microsoft mit seinen knapp 85-90% in der X86/X64 Welt unterwegs, also wird sich da für den Endkunden erst einmal wenig ändern.

Dass das alles nur meine Meinung darstellt erwähne ich nur der Vollständigkeit halber.
Wenn sich in ein paar Jahren die T Welt wieder mein Wissen komplett geändert hat und alle nur noch auf ARM unterwegs sind lag ich halt falsch - aber ich glaube es nach wie vor nicht ;).
Da gabs doch jetzt über 1 Jahr keine Updates - ist das Ding nicht tot?
Oh fack, nein. :) Der krempelt schon seit vielen Monaten viele Teile um. Im Beta-Channel kommen alle paar Wochen Updates und im Testing (nie Probleme mit gehabt) alle paar Tage. Es ist sehr viel darang gemacht worden. Aktuell sind wir bei build 5850, Betakandidat ist 5844. Ich finde keinen Link zu den Release Notes. Ich hoffe es ist ok, wenn ich die vom Beta-Kandidaten poste. Eventuell ist es ja von Interesse:

Revision 5844 (Saturday, November 6, 2021) — BETA Candidate​

All test release notes since the latest public release (r5673) have been reorganized/rewritten in the following subsections. Consider it a work-in-progress of the release notes needed when the next public release is ready.

Message View​

Displaying the content of an email is an important feature of an email client, but it's also a suprisingly complex feature. Since the first release of MailMate, this feature has been implemented using an HTML view known as WebView provided by Apple. If an email wasn't already received in the HTML format then MailMate would generate HTML to be displayed. Attachments would also be displayed using HTML and if viewing multiple emails then they would be concatenated including the headers. Given simple emails this was a simple process, but there were also numerous difficult or even impossible problems to solve with this approach. Sooner or later, it had to be replaced with a different approach.
The new approach has resulted in a completely new message view which does not only fix a lot of long standing bugs, it also includes a lot of new features — and it will allow even more of those in the future. Here's a list of changes relative to the old message view:
  • Each (MIME) part of a message is displayed in its own subview ensuring that it's not possible for one part of a message to affect the display of another part (a common security issue with HTML based email clients including MailMate).
  • Given the use of subviews, displaying multiple messages is much more reliable/robust.
  • The subviews used to displayed messages are cached making it faster to switch between recently selected messages.
  • Attachments are now shown in a dedicated view instead of using HTML (see more further below).
  • Uses the WKWebView class to display HTML instead of the WebView class (deprecated by Apple a long time ago).
  • A WKURLSchemeHandler is used to handle so-called cid: URLs (embedded images). (Behavior on 10.12 is different.)
  • Context sensive menus have more options to open/copy/download image references.
  • Pinch-zooming works after switching to WKWebView (for individual subviews of the message view).
  • Font settings re-implemented (for all views). The menu items have been moved to the View-menu.
  • Safari-like zooming using ⌘+/⌘-/⌘0 changes font size for the entire message view. A HUD indicates the current zoom level in percent.
  • Printing has been re-implemented using the new message view.
  • The use of the WKWebView class means that MailMate respects the “Look up and data detectors” setting in the Trackpad System Preferences pane. For example, a three finger tap can be used to detect the data type (or lookup) whatever is currently selected, e.g., to easily detect addresses or flight information.
  • Work-in-progress: Use ⌥+Tab to navigate multiple messages displayed. Margins are then added and a focus rectangle indicates the currently selected message. (No autoscrolling and keyboard actions are applied to all displayed messages.)
  • Work-in-progress: A stylesheet can be used to change the default styling (main.css).
  • Debug variable MmViewInBrowserButtonEnabled can be used to display a button which opens the currently displayed message in a browser window.

Image/resource blocking​

By default, the WKWebView class is configured to block all external resources using a so-called WKContentRuleList (macOS 10.13+). Only resource references explicitly recognized by MailMate can be downloaded if allowed, e.g., img src references. MailMate then rewrites these references to use a custom URL scheme handled by its own WKURLSchemeHandler. This makes it possible to implement much more detailed control of image blocking.
  • Blocked images are clearly shown using colored rectangles (based on an SVG image, coloring depends on http /https).
  • It's now possible to review the URLs of all blocked images including the reason they were blocked.
  • A specific image resource can be downloaded using a custom key binding while hovering the mouse over its rectangle (loadImage:).
  • In some cases, a blocked image can be downloaded by clicking on it.
  • To some extent, it's possible to ⌥+Tab into a message and then use Tab/⇧Tab to move between links. In this case, an image can be loading by using the loadImage: key binding.
  • Explicitly allowing images to be downloaded is handled efficiently without reloading the HTML document. It also works when viewing multiple images.
  • By default, blocking is always enabled for known trackers (image references to known tracking services) and unencrypted server connections (http). This is configurable in the Security preferences pane. It is based on a general file format for known trackers which allows fast checking of image URLs.
  • The previously described feature can be disabled in the Security preferences pane.
  • Whenever images are allowed to be downloaded, they are now allowed to be saved in a cache. This means that, usually, a server is only notified the first time an image is needed and images may be shown even if image blocking is enabled. Images might also be shown for new messages if the same image references have been used in other messages.
  • Explicitly reports when/if 1x1 pixels were downloaded (a very likely indication of email tracking). This can be disabled in the Security preferences pane.
  • Reports unknown URL schemes found when looking for image references.
  • Reports some types of suspiciously formatted image URLs.
  • No longer uploads drafts, by default, if they are signed and/or encrypted. This is a safety catch in case of compromised connections/servers/accounts.
Known issue: Some rarely used image reference styles are not yet recognized by MailMate and will therefore not be displayed or listed as a reference at all.

Details View (Banners)​

An HTML view is also used to display any information related to the currently displayed message (or part of a message). Some of these include buttons with actions such as allowing images to be downloaded. Compared to the old message view, there is usually much more information available when expanding details.
  • Works well even when selecting multiple messages or when messages have been attached.
  • Junk state releated details are now independent of image blocking.
  • A phishing warning is displayed if the server utilizes the $Phising IMAP keyword.
  • Experimental: The hidden preference MmShowSubscriptionDetails enables the display of options to unsubscribe from mailing/marketing lists if the headers of the message allows it. Feedback is welcome if you use this. It supports 3 different unsubscription methods: mailto, https, https-one-click. A notification is shown when the one-click variant fails/succeeds (asynchronously).
  • Experimental: The hidden preference MmShowParserDetails enables the display of any parsing issues registered by MailMate. Most users would not want to do this since they can be both incomplete (or badly written) and too “sensitive” — or even wrong in some cases. As a side-effect, this also enables running tidyon any HTML displayed in order to look for any issues.


The old message view used third party code to provide highlighted search results in the message view, but this was based on the WebView class and not the WKWebView. The new message view has its own custom code based on JavaScript. The “Find” (⌘F) interface itself has also been re-implemented.
  • Searches all displayed messages (or parts of messages).
  • Shows number of matches.
  • Previous/next buttons in addition to the existing standard shortcuts (macOS 11.x+).
  • Styling can be overridden using JavaScript.
  • Styling depends on the use of light/dark appearance of macOS.
  • Automatically updates when switching messages (kind of like having a live search).

Headers View​

The headers view is currently also based on a WKWebView.
  • Context sensitive menus have more options including “Edit as New Message”, “Reply” variants, “Forward” variants, “Redirect”, and “Detach” (for any messages attached to an incoming message).
  • The headers view is also used for any attached messages (message/rfc822 MIME parts) or other message/* types. (This is much better than the old message view.)
  • Specialized handling of message/delivery-status which is now nicely formatted and includes clickable header titles leading to the corresponding RFC describing the use of each header.
  • Improved capitalization of headers in general.
  • Email addresses are now draggable in a sensible way (proper string on the pasteboard).
Known issue: Configurability of displayed headers is still very limited.

Attachments View​

Previously, (non-inlined) attachments were shown using HTML which did not offer much information or functionality. The new attachments view is much more flexible and will also be easier to improve in the future. The same view is used in the Composer window and some of the following only applies to this use of the view:
  • Improved drag'n'drop behavior including support for so-called promised files (which works better with some apps including Calendar/Contacts).
  • Dragging also puts URLs on the pasteboard. This means that dragging to a Terminal window inserts space-separated file paths. Each path defaults to the most recent save location (which might be a location in the MailMate cache).
  • Selecting multiple attachments is allowed.
  • Double-click to open/view an attachments.
  • Buttons to “Quick Look”, “Save” and “Remove”.
  • Holding down a qualifier can turn “Save” into “Save as...” (⌥) or “Show in Finder” (⌘).
  • Removing attachments from non-drafts makes them appear stroked out. This works with undo/redo.
  • Saving attachments most often happens asynchronously.
  • In some cases, removed attachments can still be, e.g., opened if MailMate knows if and where they were previously saved.
  • Cut/copy/paste works within MailMate and from/to other applications.
  • Quick Look allows navigating to next/previous attachment.
  • Context sensitive menu with a lot of new functionality including a system-based “Share” menu and an “Attach to New Message...” menu item which works with any set of selected attachments.
  • Thumbnails used as icons for attachments.
  • New system for saving attachments in files, e.g., needed when asked to display an attachment. They are saved in ~/Library/Caches/com.freron.MailMate/Attachments/ which is always safe to delete. This also means that these files do not take up space in backups. (The previous location was ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Attachments.)
  • Quarantines saved attachments (which enables Gatekeeper malware checking if the user attempts to execute an attachment).
Composer only functionality:
  • Drop target at the bottom of the Composer for explicitly attaching (dropping on the text view will inline images if using Markdown).
  • Dropping text onto the attachments view will make it attach a text file.
  • Reordering attachments is allowed.
  • Renaming attachments allowed.
  • Undo/Redo works for all actions
  • Pasting a link from Safari (an possibly other apps) creates a Markdown link including a title.
  • Drag'n'drop attachments between any open composer windows.
  • Always showing total size of attachments and not just when saving.
  • Defaults to the encoded size of attachments in the composer since this is what's relevant for SMTP sending limts.
  • Click attachments size in the status bar in the composer to switch between encoded size (most often base64+newlines) and file size. This also changes the sizes displayed in the attachments view.
Teil 2:


The composer, in general, has also gone through massive changes. Functionality hasn't changed much, but it is (or at least has the potential to be) more robust and responsive than the old composer. (Some parts of the old composer suffered under some early bad design decisions which made it hard to improve/fix other parts of the composer.)

Message generation​

Low level, a draft is now handled differently/explicitly and this makes it easier for the composer to handle the various states of a draft. A very long standing issue in MailMate has been that any structural change to a message (MIME structure) would force a message to be saved since all message parts needed to exist in the internal database. For example, emphasizing a word using Markdown would trigger the message to be saved clearing the “edited” state of the composer window. This is no longer the case.
Other changes include:
  • Uses CommonMark (Github flavor) by default instead of sundown (which has not been updated for a long time). It's both faster and better. Task lists (checkmarks) are now supported.
  • Much better asynchronous behavior when cleaning up embedded HTML, inlining CSS, syntax highlighting code, and more. This should make the editor more responsive while writing.
  • The preview (when displayed) also does most of its work asynchronously.
  • “Edit as New Message” works better than before with unsaved drafts -- allowing one to spawn variants of a currently open draft if needed.
  • Autoscrolling the preview is more robust with the new Markdown conversion.
  • Converting non-Markdown plain text to HTML is handled by compiled code instead of an external script (much faster when editing).
  • Generation (preview) is automatically updated when changing the theme used by default or for the current signature.
  • Inlined images are always limited to the width of the message view/preview.
  • Detects Retina images and uses CSS to control its displayed size. Also uses HTML to make it work in Outlook and possibly other email clients.
  • Uses libtidy to more easily and more efficiently clean up embedded HTML.
  • Cleans up Markdown image links in order to avoid generating HTML unnecessarily in replies.

Headers Editor​

  • Recipient header fields switch to showing a scroller when the number of lines needed to display recipients is large.
  • The hidden preference MmComposerPreviewHeadersEnabled can be used to display headers as part of the preview (if shown). Mainly useful for debugging.

Text Editor​

Again, a lot has been reimplemented and it will be easier to maintain/improve in the future.
  • The HTML preview resizes the window when toggled (both when this happens manually or automatically).
  • “Edit ▸ Paste as Plain Text” forces MailMate to convert anything on the paste to plain text if possible.
  • Pasting from Microsoft apps is forced to prefer plain text (instead of the image available on the pasteboard).
  • Pasting from Excel auto-generates a simple plain text table (in Markdown format).
  • Soft wrapping supported (see “View ▸ Soft Wrap Column ▸ ...”).
  • The “Scan Documents” menu item in the context sensitive menu works by attaching a PDF.
  • Improved/Explicit handling of signatures.
  • Discard/Edit signature suggested if trying to edit the current signature. (Known issue: Discarding doesn't really work well in practice.)
  • Signature updated in all open composer views (also if changed in Preferences).
  • Discard/Edit Signature available in a context sensitive menu.
  • Improved handling of the signature when using undo/redo.
  • Improved handling of embedded HTML (when replying/forwarding).
  • “Discard Embedded HTML” in context senstive menu
  • Spelling suggestions in the context sensitive menu can be selected using a numeric key.
  • Pasting works with HTML (similar to replying/forwarding HTML), e.g., after copying part of a page in Safari. For now, this is disabled by default, but this feature can be enabled using MmEmbedPastedHTMLEnabled.

S/MIME and OpenPGP​

Partly as a side effect of some of the changes above, the S/MIME and OpenPGP handling has also gone through a lot of changes. There's still a lot to improve, but here's a list of some of implemented changes:
  • Much better at handling complex message structures including multiple signed/encrypted parts and/or embedded messages.
  • Works when showing multiple messages (the old message view simply disabled reporting verification status, because it couldn't handle it).
  • Asynchronous verification of OpenPGP messages.
  • Since message parts are never merged into a single HTML document, MailMate is now much more robust against both existing and future HTML-based attacks.
  • Issues with signing/encrypting outgoing messages is clearly displayed in the composer -- also when the preview is disabled.
  • OpenPGP (gpg command) output is now always available in the details displayed.
  • Signing/encrypting is only done when changing related settings/headers, when sending, and when saving (⌘S).
  • Some types of errors now offer a “Retry” button.
  • The Bcc warning for S/MIME encryption offers to move Bcc recipients to Cc.
  • When failing to find an S/MIME certificate for a recipient, MailMate completes the search for any other recipients instead of stopping.
  • S/MIME code now explicitly first looks for a user certificate in the default keychain.
  • S/MIME sign/encrypt debug output now includes the keychain location for all certificate candidates founds.
  • “View Certificate” button shown when a signature has a mismatching address (S/MIME).
  • Explicitly lists all of the email addresses found within the signing certificate (S/MIME).
  • S/MIME searches for email addresses were not case insensitive.
  • Various issues with S/MIME. The “Security.plist” file now supports using sha256 instead of serial since the latter was not a robust solution (only guaranteed to be unique for each CA).
  • If identical S/MIME certificates are found then MailMate should now be better at picking the first one returned by the keychain search.
  • Replaced a deprecated S/MIME certificate related function on 10.13+.
  • MailMate forces the use of sha256 when making S/MIME digests.
  • Improved handling of a signature address mismatch for both OpenPGP and S/MIME.
  • Various S/MIME related issues. Thanks to Heike Knobbe for the report!
  • Attempt to improve the handling of certain types of encrypted OpenPGP messages.
  • Text attachments were incorrectly checked for inlined OpenPGP attachments.
  • Slightly better error message when failing to parse OpenPGP output.
  • MailMate is a bit better at showing the correct signed/encrypted icon for messages using smime-type=signed-data.
  • Most of the S/MIME related code has been refactored.
  • No longer trusts the body content of a mailto: link if it contains anything which could be parsed as inline PGP.
Known issue: Some earlier test releases were able to clearly display which parts of a message were decrypted and/or verified. This feature will eventually return.
Known issue: More could and should happen asynchronously since neither OpenPGP or S/MIME actions are always fast to complete.

Coding/Building related changes​

  • All executables are now universal. In other words, MailMate has native support for Apple Silicon (M1 / arm64).
  • Requires macOS 10.12 (previously public release required 10.10).
  • Many parts of MailMate use AutoLayout now, including the most used windows. This fixes a lot of issues and will be easier to maintain going forward.
  • Simplified/improved code by using newer Apple classes such as NSStackView and NSSplitViewController.
  • All parts of MailMate use ARC now.
  • No longer depends on any openssl code.
  • Removed various files no longer needed.
  • Uses libidn2 with new dependencies libpsl and libunistring.
  • Build process is more robust with regard to only linking with libraries working on the minimum required version of macOS (currently 10.12).
Teil 3:


  • Supports OAuth2 for Office 365 accounts.
  • OAuth2 is now always handled using an external browser (Safari) for the authentication process.
  • Incoming email notifications support writing a single line reply (top-posted).
  • On macOS 11+, SF Symbols are now used for the icons of the Preferences panes.
  • “View ▸ Copy as Link” works for multiple messages.
  • Dragging a message to, e.g., TextEdit creates a titled message: link in rich text mode and a message: text URL in plain text mode.
  • The Signatures preference pane has some new options.
  • “Go to Mailbox” updated including new mailbox images (can be disabled using MmMailboxImagesEnabled).
  • “Go to Mailbox” actions are now part of the history, for example, this allows you to switch back to previously selected mailboxes using a shortcut.
  • Hidden preference to disable account icons: MmAccountImagesEnabled.
  • Default shortcuts for back/forward in history match what is used in other applications, e.g., Safari (⌘[/⌘]).
  • Built-in CSS inlining based on Juice (JavaScript). This will replace Premailer going forward.
  • Conversion from HTML to Markdown (plain text) based on Turndown (JavaScript). This is both faster and more robust than the old approach (but both methods are still in use).
  • Simplified the sharing extension included with MailMate (removing the use of an intermediate GUI).
  • Bundle commands now support an action to show an HTML result (showHTML). Supports filePath and a dictionary of parameters. This is going to be used to make the Visualize bundle functional again.
  • The emate command allows setting an explicit #signature-uuid.
  • Format-strings can be used to specify virtual headers (in specifiers.plist).
  • The skull previously used for warning about spoofing-attempts is gone. Instead, a warning sign is shown and an explanation is available in the message view. As a special case, anything that matches the format of a Github username is not marked as a spoofing attempt.
  • Shows a localized/abbreviated file path in the saving attachment notification.
  • Shows an Open button in the saving attachment notification (clicking elsewhere opens the attachment in the Finder).
  • Allows multiple mailboxes to be selected in the mailbox subscriptions editor.
  • Added “Expunge Deleted Messages” menu item (this is part of some still missing GUI settings for configuring deletion behavior).
  • Warns when moving or copying a large number (500) of messages (this warning can be suppressed).
  • Switch panes in the mailbox editor using the keyboard (⌘1-⌘n). Dynamic submenu in the Window menu shows the available shortcuts.
  • Added MmSubaddressCharacterClass to control the subaddress separator used for the tag specifier (for email addresses). The default value is +- which should work in most cases.
  • Added MmSimpleForwardedString as a primitive stop-gap solution until something better can be done about custom wrote/forwarded-strings.
  • Added MmAlwaysSaveDraftsOnQuit which is mainly useful for a developer repeatedly relaunching MailMate.
  • Added psl-top-level and family to work around issues with the regular domain specifiers which are a bit useless for the Submailboxes feature. (This feature is likely to be renamed.)
  • The PREAUTH command (IMAP) is now always rejected when the connection is not encrypted (if encryption is enabled for the account).
  • Disabled the support for PREAUTH (IMAP) by default. Use MmAllowPREAUTH to explicitly enable it if needed.
  • Temporary workaround for a lack of configurability in the interface: MmRulesForwardWithoutAttaching
  • Introduced MmSendMessageDelayString (a string alternative to MmSendMessageDelay).
  • Encoding/decoding attachment names according to RFC2231 when non-ASCII exists (improvements still needed).
Known issue: The interface for importing accounts breaks with almost every macOS release and it will be removed. Some work has been done on a new connection “wizard” for setting up accounts (using both autoconfig and SRV records). This should hopefully lead to an easier setup process.


All kinds of, more or less, boring changes/fixes which are mainly here when/if searching for some particular issue.
  • The Bundles and Software Update panes (Preferences) have been updated.
  • The experimental LDAP support uses ldaps instead of ldap when port 636 is specified.
  • The check for a duplicate email address within the name part of an address header is now case insensitive (ASCII). This has the side effect of also avoiding unlikely spoofing warnings.
  • Various issues with renaming mailboxes.
  • The message list and the mailbox list can show a context-menu for non-selected items.
  • Notifications now respect the “Do not disturb” system settings.
  • Automatically setting subject based on an added attachment. Now also works with undo/redo.
  • Clicking to enable/disable a flag did not work in the first line of the message list.
  • MmNeverDisplayHTML now falls back to displaying raw HTML if sanitizing the HTML fails.
  • Minimum width of the Security column now adapts to the font size in order to never show ellipsis for truncated text.
  • Messages importer window looks a bit better in dark mode.
  • Some warnings displayed with a “Cancel” button did not work correctly in the mailbox list when the user chose “Cancel”.
  • Crash if using a custom key binding to create a new message when no identities exist.
  • Issue with setting headers in new messages via bundle commands.
  • Slightly more robust behavior when moving files within the database.
  • Very old bug in the global threading of messages triggered when permanently deleting multiple messages (also when this is triggered by server-side changes).
  • Long standing issue with messages not being removed from a dynamic submailbox after some order of events which included a keyword-change — such as marking as read.
  • Some issues with identically named attachments when using bundle commands.
  • A bundle command using file paths to attachments as input should now work with encrypted messages (untested).
  • Issue with address completion when only a last name is available in Contacts.
  • Yet another attempt at better handling of parentheses when autolinking (now similar to GFM).
  • Crude workaround for a special case of the use of an unnecessary use of the Unicode LRE character in the name part of a sender.
  • Replying to a specific (buggy) message did not work well, because MailMate did not treat an unknown multipart subtype as if it was multipart/mixed.
  • Reencoding body parts failed to correctly remove any existing transfer encoding headers.
  • Issue with base64 decoding if segments of 4 input characters were split between lines.
  • Some long-standing issues fixed by replacing a prefixed tab with 4 spaces whenever a quote symbol (>) is added to a line of a Markdown message (when replying/forwarding).
  • Issue when merging base64 encoded words in headers, e.g., some type of subject headers would be partly displayed with garbage characters.
  • Various (old) issues with HTML signatures only being inserted after editing a new message.
  • Ignore hidden files when listing available sounds in sound popups.
  • Re-implemented how the sent mail sound is played (if enabled in the Composer preferences pane).
  • Failed to check for existence of List-ID when trying to get a list description.
  • Notifications on 10.14+ are implemented using a newer API making it work better with the system in general.
  • Sounds triggered by rules should now respect the “Do Not Disturb” setting.
  • Includes a sound for sending a message since the previous solution no longer worked after fixing MailMate sounds to respect the “Do Not Disturb” macOS feature.
  • Forced to disable the availability of Apple sounds when configuring Counters. If needed, the sounds can be copied to ~Library/Sounds.
  • Some RFC-violations concerning the use of quoted strings in address headers.
  • Simplified specifiers.plist a bit based on improved handling of quoted strings.
  • Improved detection and removal of unexpected NUL characters when adding text to drafts. This was an issue if the user pasted text into the composer which containted NUL characters.
  • Various issued related to failed parsing of JSON strings.
  • Some issues with certain types of unicode characters when saving/loading settings.
  • Renaming sources did not properly propagate to universal mailboxes (without relaunching MailMate).
  • Improved the use of images in mailbox menus (including mailbox popup buttons).
  • Allows longer header field names without reporting it as a possible error (200 chars instead of 50).
  • Prefers port 993 over 143 for IMAP. No longer automatically tries port 25 for SMTP.
  • Better at trying SMTP without authentication when using a non-standard port.
  • Server logs leave out long UID FETCH responses to make debugging bandwidth-issues easier. It can be disabled using MmServerLogTruncationDisabled.
  • Parsing of mailto: URIs is more robust with regard to the use of newlines.
  • Remembers the “Automatically Identifies Languages” setting when it differs from the system setting.
Various workarounds:
  • Added workaround for euc-jp encoded content wrongly labelled as iso-2022-jp.
  • Workaround for an email client generating Message-IDs like this: <uuid@domain.com>>
  • A bit more aggressive when it comes to sizing incoming images to the width of the message view.
  • Issue handling attachments for which the system fails to provide a UTI given a MIME type (the issue was triggered by an application/rtf attachment).
  • Base64 decoder is more robust when encountering bad input.
  • Prefers the casing of an IMAP keyword used by the IMAP server involved (as reported in the PERMANENTFLAGS response). This works around at least one server bug (ProtonMail).
  • Ignores unexpected NO responses to QUOTA requests (working around an IMAP server issue).
  • Handles nonsensical QUOTA responses from an IMAP server by quietly warning instead of failing.
  • IMAP code fails a bit more gracefully when a hierarchy delimiter for a submailbox cannot be derived.
For debugging purposes, the variable MmParseMessagesFromIndex can be used to force MailMate to load, parse, and decode all messages in its database (on startup).
Oben Unten