Musik Was hört ihr gerade (Teil 11)

…und wenn man dann eh wach ist und raus muss – dann so:

Matthew E. White - Genuine Hesitation

Despite a genuine hesitation
I've followed all grey lines
No mind for where they lead
And I am sympathetic to all transgressions
I'd be with you here if the stones floated on the sea
Are you sympathetic to these vibrations?
…und plötzlich wird da die alleinige Fahrt im Auto von singenden schottischen Zwillingen überrascht,
die einem kurz doch mit ihrem profanen Satzbau leichtes Pipi-in-die-Augen kredenzen:

The Proclaimers – Love Can Move Mountains :xsmile:

A cynical mind
Won't help you through the night
And it can't hold you up
When you're too tired to fight
Where you didn't have the strength
To look after yourself
You find all that you need
For somebody else

But love can move mountains …
…aber natürlich lande ich dann wieder bei der CD im Player und feiere mitsingend diese Nummer auf Repeat:

Faith No More – The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

Und hier kommt auch die Lyric-Passage, die mich seltsamerweise jedesmal an "unseren @Barry Lyndon " erinnert… :crack:

This year, you'll sit and take it
And you will like it
It's the gentle art of making enemies

I deserve a reward
'Cause I'm the best fuck that you ever had
And if I tighten up my hole
You may never see the light again

There's always an easy way out
There's always an easy way out
You need something wet in your mouth
You need something wet in your mouth …

Komplette Lyrics: The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
The words are so familiar
All the same greats, the same mistakes
It doesn't have to be like this
If you don't make a friend now
One might make you
So, learn the gentle art of making enemies

Don't you look so surprised
Happy birthday, fuck*er!
You blow that candle out
We're gonna kick you, kick you

Don't say you're not because you are
Don't say you're not because you are
History tells us that you are
History tells us that you are

And all you need is just one more excuse
You put up one hell of a fight
You put up one hell of a fight
I wanna hear your very best excuse
I never felt this much alive
I never felt this much alive

Your day has finally come
So, wear the hat and do the dance
And let the suit keep wearing you
This year, you'll sit and take it
And you will like it
It's the gentle art of making enemies

I deserve a reward
'Cause I'm the best fuck that you ever had
And if I tighten up my hole
You may never see the light again

There's always an easy way out
There's always an easy way out
You need something wet in your mouth
You need something wet in your mouth

And all you need is just one more excuse
You put up one hell of a fight
You put up one hell of a fight
Well, I wanna hear your very best excuse

I never felt this much alive
I never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never felt this much alive
I never felt, never this much alive
…aber natürlich lande ich dann wieder bei der CD im Player und feiere mitsingend diese Nummer auf Repeat:

Faith No More – The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

Und hier kommt auch die Lyric-Passage, die mich seltsamerweise jedesmal an "unseren @Barry Lyndon " erinnert… :crack:

This year, you'll sit and take it
And you will like it
It's the gentle art of making enemies

I deserve a reward
'Cause I'm the best fuck that you ever had
And if I tighten up my hole
You may never see the light again

There's always an easy way out
There's always an easy way out
You need something wet in your mouth
You need something wet in your mouth …


Irgendwie muss man ihn (Dave) mögen, weil er sonne komische Sympathie-Gurke ist, die sich ebenso Fransen an den Mund labern kann:

Lil Dicky – Ex-Boyfriend

Ay, what's going on man?
It's your boy Lil Dicky
A.K.A Mr. Left-ward sloping penis
I got a story for y'all man
Peep this
Yessir …


The True Willie Band gives tribute to the Willie Nelson/Ray Charles duet, Seven Spanish Angels, at the Laguna Festival of Arts 2019.
…aber natürlich lande ich dann wieder bei der CD im Player und feiere mitsingend diese Nummer auf Repeat:

Faith No More – The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

Und hier kommt auch die Lyric-Passage, die mich seltsamerweise jedesmal an "unseren @Barry Lyndon " erinnert… :crack:

ich hab bei dem Song immer zuerst das hier im Kopf:

Don't you look so surprised
Happy birthday, fuc ker
Blow that candle out
We're gonna kick you, kick you

Don't say you're not because you are
Don't say you're not because you are
History tells us that you are
History tells us that you are

auf jeden Fall hab ich nun wieder nen Ohrwurm…
auf jeden Fall hab ich nun wieder nen Ohrwurm…
Die Scheibe kreist eh immer irgendwie in meinem Kopf. Die Songs sind einfach so derbe geil auf die Vocals geschneidert.
Wenn ich z.B. Abends mit dem Hund bei wolkenlosem Himmel laufe, dann summe und singe ich oft im Kopf:

Sky is clear tonight
Sky is clear tomorrow
A star is out
I reach for one to sparkle in my hand
A star is out
I will not touch you, I am just a man …

Faith No More – Just a Man

Man was born to love
Though often he has sought
Like Icarus, to fly too high.
And far too lonely than he ought
To kiss the sum of east and west
And hold the world at his behest
To hold the terrible power
To whom only gods are blessed
But me, I am just a man

And every night I shut my eyes
So I don't have to see the light
Shining so bright
I'll dream about a cloudy sky, about a cloudy sky …
Cool as Kim Deal. Sie ist einfach knuddelig.

The Breeders: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Can't come closer
Might fall and drown
Can't come closer
Might fall ninety-million miles
No one's here, no one's here to stay …

Irgendwie muss man ihn (Dave) mögen, weil er sonne komische Sympathie-Gurke ist, die sich ebenso Fransen an den Mund labern kann:

Lil Dicky – Ex-Boyfriend

Ay, what's going on man?
It's your boy Lil Dicky
A.K.A Mr. Left-ward sloping penis
I got a story for y'all man
Peep this
Yessir …


Ich muss mich mal näher mit dem Kerl beschäftigen. Auch wegen der Serie, die Du an anderer Stelle erwähnt hast. :)
Dooooom... Ist nicht nur ein Computerspiel.

Von den Riffs her könnte das locker von Tony Iommi stammen. Und das Alter (von 1986) merkt man der Nummer erst recht nicht an. Merkt man, dass ich in letzter Zeit viel in Skandinavien (speziell Schweden) unterwegs bin? :crack:
Ok, irgendwie echt krass:

Orphax feat. James Fella – JF

~ instrumental ~
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