MacBook M1 suche geeignete Backup Lösung

Aber wenn ich das hier so lese....:rolleyes: Lieber nicht...

We may share and disclose your personally identifiable information only in the limited circumstances described below:
  • To vendors and other third-party service providers who require access to your personal information to assist in providing and improving our products and services. For example, with third-party service providers to: assist us in processing your payment; enable us to send you marketing emails, subject to your preferences; communicate service emails to you; used to send SMS messages to you when you use our 2-factor authentication feature; and facilitate our customer support and online chat service. For further information, please also refer to our Cookie Statement.
  • We may also disclose your personal information or your files to third parties: (a) where required by law or regulatory requirement, court order or other judicial authorization, (b) in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including for the purposes of meeting national security and law enforcement requirements; (c) in connection with the sale, transfer, merger, bankruptcy, restructuring or other reorganization of a business; (d) to protect or defend our rights, interests or property, or that of third parties; (e) to investigate any wrongdoing in connection with our products and services; and (f) to protect the vital interests of an individual.
Die ist übrigens von der aktuellen Log4j Lücke betroffen.
Ich habe gelesen, dass Angreifer die Lücke nutzen können, um einen Code auszuführen. D. h., dass die schlimmstenfalls Daten löschen können, oder? Wenn die Daten verschlüsselt sind, sollten diese doch nicht lesbar für Fremde werden. Sehe ich das falsch?
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