Hilfe passendes HomeKit Equipment (Stromstoßrelais)

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After the installation of Shelly following the Instalation In- structions and the power is turned on, Shelly will create its own WiFi Access Point (AP).
⚠WARNING! In case the Device has not created its’ own AP WiFi network with SSID like shelly1-35FA58, please check if the Device is connected accordingly to the Instalation Instruc- tions. If you still do not see an active WiFi network with SSID like shelly1-35FA58, or you want to add the Device to another Wi-Fi network, reset the Device. If the Device has been pow- ered on, you have to restart by powering it off and on again. After turning the power on, you have one minute to press 5 consecutive times the button/switch connected SW. You have to hear the Relay trigger itself. After the trigger sound, Shelly should return to AP Mode

Mein 1 PM hat ne Status LED auf der Rückseite. Scheint durch Gehäuse durch.
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