Wie als Symbol bild anzeigen lassen.


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Es ist ja so das mac os nur dieses Dateisymbol anzeigt. Aber wie zeigt er mir als datei symbol das bild an?
so müsste es gehen

The first thing you need to know is that getting information for a file or folder works a little differently than it does in Mac OS 9. In Mac OS 9 (and earlier), when you press Command-I, you get a Get Info window for each item you have selected in the Finder. With Mac OS X, there is no Get Info.

Get Info has been replaced with an "Inspector". The inspector is shown or hidden when you press Command-I. It also behaves differently; every time you select something in the Finder, the inspector shows additional information about the item. The good news is that even though the Inspector works differently, it still allows you to change icons for most desktop items.

Here is a step-by-step guide for setting a folder icon:

1) Select a file or folder that has the icon you want to use.

2) Press Command-I to bring up the Inspector panel.

3) Click on the icon once. You should see a gray border around the icon.

4) Press Command-C to copy the icon. Do NOT close the inspector panel.

5) Select the file or folder that you want to customize.

6) Press Command-V to paste the icon.

That's it! If you don't see the icon immediately update, you may need to log out and back into Mac OS X for the change to take effect. There are also certain icons in the OS that cannot be changed.

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Viele Grüße

ich wollt ja das er die .jpg das er da immer das bild als vorschau zeig? kpiert?
In der Findermenüleiste auf "Darstellung" -> "Darstellungsoptionen einblenden" -> "Symbolvorschau zeigen"

BTW kam Dein "Kapiert?" nicht ganz so höflich rüber.
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appledeluxe schrieb:
The first thing you need to know is that getting information for a file or folder works a little differently than it does in Mac OS 9. In Mac OS 9 (and earlier), when you press Command-I, you get a Get Info window for each item you have selected in the Finder. With Mac OS X, there is no Get Info.

Get Info has been replaced with an "Inspector". The inspector is shown or hidden when you press Command-I. It also behaves differently; every time you select something in the Finder, the inspector shows additional information about the item. The good news is that even though the Inspector works differently, it still allows you to change icons for most desktop items.

Here is a step-by-step guide for setting a folder icon:

1) Select a file or folder that has the icon you want to use.

2) Press Command-I to bring up the Inspector panel.

3) Click on the icon once. You should see a gray border around the icon.

4) Press Command-C to copy the icon. Do NOT close the inspector panel.

5) Select the file or folder that you want to customize.

6) Press Command-V to paste the icon.

That's it! If you don't see the icon immediately update, you may need to log out and back into Mac OS X for the change to take effect. There are also certain icons in the OS that cannot be changed.

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Viele Grüße

Das stimmt übrigens unter den beiden aktuellen Versionen von OS X (Panther und Tiger) nicht mehr. Das Informationsfenster verhält sich wieder wie noch beim klassischen Mac OS. Den Inspektor gibt es jetzt mit Befehl + Wahl + I. Panther zeigt auch wenn mehrere Dateien / Ordner ausgewählt sind im Infofenster eine Zusammenfassung für diese Elemente. Bei Tiger muß man hierfür die Steuerungstaste drücken (Befehl + Ctrl + I), da ansonsten wie bei Classic für jedes Element ein einzelnes Fenster geöffnet wird.
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