MacBook Pro: Preise in Deutschland?


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Hi all

i'm brazilian and am going to Germany in september, by an exchange. i gess i'm too bad in writing german, but i understand a lot.

but let's go to the point: i wanted to know if students have disacounts in the price buyng a mac there? i wanted a macbook pro 15" or 17" (depending to the price) and if 15", with 160 gig HD.

how much is the disacount? how much taxes do u have? about what it would cost?

thx, and if u can write english, better to me :p

[ ]'s, Leonardo Zingano
Buy a Mac in USA... is very cheaper!
Hi there,

if you are a student you´ll get discount of course. The discount is about 10% depares on the shop you by your device.

Our VAT/Tax is 19% at present (will be the same in sep.).

Prices including account:
15" 160GB: 1890€
17": 2580€

I hope, that this information helped you.

Best Regards,
just a hint, companies get special deals up to 15 percent discount. Maybe you have some contacts to friends companies or so...
Hello Lzingano. Welcome to the community.

The prices for students depend on, which university you will go to.

There's the 'normal' student price and one for universities that are member of the AOC programm.

Last year (before increasing tax) the small 15'' was about 1650 Euro at AOC, if I remember right.
if you are going to stay in germany just for a short while (exchange 6 - 12 months?), i think you can buy a computer without tax/vat in some stores. You will have to fill in a form that claims you are just visiting and that you will have to pay Tax/vat in your home country when going back. (As English and American soldiers can). Since I live in germany I'm not too familiar with this, but there should be information available at the german ZOLL.
Or you can look it up under:

For the purpose of exports between the Community and non-member countries, no VAT is charged on the transaction and the VAT already paid on the inputs of the good for export is deducted - this is an exemption with the right to deduct the input VAT, sometimes called 'zero-rating'. There is thus no residual VAT contained in the export price.

Since this is a matter of the european union all/most forms and applications should be all european languages - also portuegese, if this is helpfull for you
Hallo, schöne Grüße nach Brasilien!! In welche Stadt gehts denn? Wünsche dir viel Spaß in Deutschland.
Hi all
i gess i'm too bad in writing german, but i understand a lot.

och ich denke diese einfachen deutschen Sätze wird er schon verstehen :)

On Topic: In my opinion it would be cheaper for you when you buy your Mac book in the USA, as an other User jused wrote some posts ago
Depending on the exchange rate you can save few bucks by buying in the US. However, there might be a problem if you aren´t a resident in the US, meaning you don´t have a US address. Moreover, you have to spend money for shipping outside of the US (if this is possible). Didn´t know that the prices for Macbook Pro´s are high in Brasil. Concluding, buy one Macbook Pro in Germany, but keep the customs in mind they can be very expensive too ;)
Hi Leonardo, welcome to our community. I do not know the prices for Apple computers in Brazil, but as they are very similar around the world it may not pay to buy it in Germany.
After all - and possibly more relevant than the price alone - you should consider that when you buy your MacBook in Germany, you will get the german keyboard which is quite different from the international keyboard. It contains our funny umlaut characters (those with the dots on top, ä, ö, ü, and the german "sharp s" ß). Also, Z and Y are swapped in comparison to a US keyboard, and the characters reached with shift+number keys are !"§$%&/()= (for shift-1 to shift-0), instead of !@#$%^&*(). In addition, on a US keyboard the characters [ ]{ } \ | (which are very useful for writing code) are readily available on discrete keys rather than being buried below alt-5, alt-6, alt-8, alt-9, shift-alt-7 and alt-7.

Also, the keyboard layout is different from the portuguese one you might be used to. As you know, you can easily change the keyboard layout in OsX, but this does of course not change the characters printed on the keys - which is, at least to me, much more confusing that using a foreign layout all the way.

You can also change the keyboard in hardware, but that costs big buck.
thx... so, iif i go to USA, i will have to pay airplane no? cause i dont live in USA :p and brazilian taxes are a bit too high :( i wont study in a university. its a scool exchange. i dont know where i will stay, but betwen july and august i will probably know. i think ill have to buy it here. there in Germany it's much cheaper, but with our taxes (which are, i gess, some of the world biggest) it will be much more expensive. well... if i need something, i call here

[ ]'s Leonardo Zingano

edit: no... the prices aren't the same as the other mac stores over the world. here i woul pay about R$ 12999 for a macbook pro 17" , that is about 4750 euro (!) this is why i whant to buy it there, and bout the keyboard, i gess i can buy a macbook with an american keyboard there. here in brazil, they're sold with the american one
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
thx... so, iif i go to USA, i will have to pay airplane no? cause i dont live in USA :p and brazilian taxes are a bit too high :( i wont study in a university. its a scool exchange. i dont know where i will stay, but betwen july and august i will probably know. i think ill have to buy it here. there in Germany it's much cheaper, but with our taxes (which are, i gess, some of the world biggest) it will be much more expensive. well... if i need something, i call here

[ ]'s Leonardo Zingano

edit: no... the prices aren't the same as the other mac stores over the world. here i woul pay about R$ 12999 for a macbook pro 17" , that is about 4750 euro (!) this is why i whant to buy it there, and bout the keyboard, i gess i can buy a macbook with an american keyboard there. here in brazil, they're sold with the american one

unbelivable price - then take it in german - send mail to store or university before you arrive and ask, if you want to have portugese keyboard - so they have time to make spezial order -

good luck
Prices including account:
15" 160GB: 1890€
17": 2580€

hey... where did u found these prices?is it possible to get them? i will study in a school, not university, but i think it undeppends. i may buy it on Germany, but i can find some "nice prices" here ( about 3550 euro), and i think it would be cheaper to me, cause i will have to pay taxes to go back to Brasil with it (about 50%... yeah it's a lot)

thx for all and [ ]'s
edit: no... the prices aren't the same as the other mac stores over the world. here i woul pay about R$ 12999 for a macbook pro 17" , that is about 4750 euro (!) this is why i whant to buy it there, and bout the keyboard, i gess i can buy a macbook with an american keyboard there. here in brazil, they're sold with the american one

the net prices very similar around the world, but not the taxes. The difference might not be obvious to you (after all, you have to pay much more in several countries than in others), but it will be once you try to import a german MacBook to Brazil. Then, you'll have to pay customs and taxes so that in the end the amount is very similar to buying the computer in Brazil. That's why the price there is like that - it is the net price of the computer plus customs plus tax. Importing it yourself does not reduce the price.
We have the same problem here. Every now and than some "clever" guys come up with the idea to buy their computer in the USA - they simply forget that they have to pay tax&customs when they import the computer.

Second, you cannot buy a Mac with a US keyboard in Germany, no matter how hard you try. In a special order, you will get one with an "international english" keyboard, but it is not US (some keys are different). That's why there are Germans who buy their keyboards (or mobile computers for that matter) in USA, like myself.
habe den Thread heut morgen gelesen und mal ´n bisschen gegoogelt, weil ich den Preis nicht so ganz glauben konnte ...
das ist ja echt brutal, dachte schon wir hätten hier schlechte Karten..wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, kommen in Brasilien ca. 50% Einfuhrsteuer + nochmal 15% für ´ne andere Tax drauf...das sind ja Preise wie im Mittelalter:D ..und ich glaube,was ich so weis, die meisten haben da nicht unbedingt so´n fettes Einkommen....nach den was ich heut so gelesen habe, kaufen die Leute da Schuhe für 50€ in sechs Monatsraten..frage mich da nur wie sich dann ein Austauschschüler so ein Gerät kaufen kann...krass..ich habe hier nicht mal das Geld für so eine Maschine ü ja könnte daran liegen das ich noch 3-4 andere Hobbys habe die mich mehr in Anspruch nehmen ..:D
find´s aber dennoch recht heftig..!
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