Apfelkuchen etwas anders :D

Wie sowas passieren konnte? Naja, wenn ich mir das PB so anschaue und daran denke wie futuristisch so manche Kuechen und deren Zubehoer sein koennen, muss ich sagen....haette mir auch passieren koennen! Ausserdem weiss man doch, wie schnell Frauen abgelenkt werden...und wenn dann so ein Backblech neben dem PB liegt...naja, haben wir ja eben gehoert wa dann passieren kann! Beweise? Hier ->


fehlt halt nur der Apfel!

Aber es geht noch besser....guckst du:


Euer Brini
Da waren doch psychoaktive Substanzen im Frühstücksei der Dame ...

Vielleicht sollte Apple ausdrücklich anführen, dass ein PowerBook nur ungebacken zu gebrauchen ist. :)
Das kann ja nur in den USA passiert sein. Dort steht auf der Verpackung von Klobürsten auch drauf, dass diese nicht zum Zähneputzen geeignet sind.
A Baked Apple

While this is a little outside our general coverage, we wanted to pass it along nonetheless. Mac service technician Aaron Steele presents a true, twisted, and amazing tale of the oven-baked PowerBook:

"I work at an Apple Authorized Retailer and we just had a lady come in to see if we could fix her PowerBook G4. She walks in the store and comes up to me, 'Sir, I've got a baked Apple.' I laugh and she proceeds to take her PowerBook G4 of the bag it was in. The top of the screen was a little brown and warped. I had my manager come up and look at it. He hadn't seen anything like that before.

"The lady opened up the machine and the screen was all cracked, and there was not a single key on the keyboard. I finally had to ask the lady how all of this had happened. As it turns out, she baked the PowerBook in the oven for 20 minutes. I kid you not. She said it with a straight face, and I could hardly keep from laughing. She wasn't joking. The thing was baked. She also kept every single key. She told us that they popped off while it was in the oven and she dug through to save every one.

"We told her that the cost of the screen alone would be around $ 1000 if not more, so she decided to leave the machine with us to discard of. Before we tossed it in the trash, I decided to try and power it up just for kicks, and it worked! The machine booted just fine. The screen is cracked and broken, but if you plug in an external monitor and keyboard it works like a charm. Ethernet, Modem, USB, Optical Drive, and HD all work just fine. I have already reformatted the HD and installed Mac OS 10.2."
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