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Habe KEIN Terminal -(Fenster) mehr. MacBook 10.6.8. Habe eben die neueste Software gezogen. Eine Idee? Ist das Terminal-Fenster irgendwo 'versteckt' ?
Danke für jeden Hinweis ! stricki
Ich hoffe, dass es NICHT so schlimm ist. Die Datei terminal.app existiert nicht !!

Can't find Terminal in my iMac OS 10.6.8
I was looking for Terminal in Applications/Utilities but there is not such a folder in there. As this is my first Mac, I really do not know what to do to find it. Do you know if this version of OS has Terminal or not? If not, what should I do.

Thank you for your answers. I really got to find it!
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11-04-2012, 08:32 AM #2

If it's not in the Utilities folder and not found by doing a search, then the previous owner apparently deleted it. If they deleted Terminal, there's no telling what else they deleted or otherwise modified. I'd suggest a fresh install of OS X. Hopefully, they delivered the original install discs along with the computer.

If not - you may want to consider upgrading to 10.7 or 10.8.
Dann stell die Datei halt aus deinem Backup wieder her.
Was soll jetzt nicht so schlimm sein, und was bringt jetzt das Posting des englischen Beitrages an weiterer Erhellung?

Installiere OSX neu, alternativ das Combo-Update deiner OSX Version.
Oder eben mal dein Backup befragen.

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