[suche] Skript welches iTunes Playlisten in nen Ordner kopiert...(rest im Thread)


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Hallo zusammen,
ich hab mir so nen billig Mp3 Player besorgt, weil ich den Video nicht zum joggen mitnehmen mag.

Ich möchte Dougs Skript[/URL]:
"Sync Playlist Files to Folder" for iTunes
written by Doug Adams

v1.0 August 12 2005
- initial release

Get more free AppleScripts and info on writing your own
at Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes


-- this must be the EXACT name of the playlist--keeping in quotes:
property the_playlist : "t7"

-- this should be a string of the path to the folder you want to use--keeping in quotes:
property path_to_folder : "MP3PLAYER:Music"

-- =========================================

-- if iTunes is not running, then exit
tell application "System Events" to if (name of every process) does not contain "iTunes" then return

-- init some lists...
set filenames_in_folder to {}
set track_filenames to {}
set track_locations to {}

tell application "Finder"
		repeat with this_file_alias in (get every file of folder (path_to_folder))
			set end of filenames_in_folder to my get_filename_from_filepath(this_file_alias as string)
		end repeat
	end try
end tell

tell application "iTunes"
	repeat with this_track in (get every track of playlist the_playlist)
		if class of this_track is file track then
				set loc to this_track's location
				set end of track_locations to (loc as string)
				set end of track_filenames to my get_filename_from_filepath(loc)
			end try
		end if -- not file track
	end repeat
end tell

-- check if any files in folder are in the playlist...otherwise delete
repeat with this_file in filenames_in_folder
	if this_file is not in track_filenames then delete_from_folder(this_file)
end repeat

-- check if any file tracks are in the folder...otherwise add to folder
repeat with i from 1 to length of track_filenames
	set this_file_track to item i of track_filenames
	if this_file_track is not in filenames_in_folder then add_to_folder(item i of track_locations)
end repeat


to get_filename_from_filepath(fp)
	if (class of fp) is not string then set fp to (fp as string)
	tell application "Finder" to return name of (get info for file fp)
end get_filename_from_filepath

to delete_from_folder(this_file)
		do shell script "cd " & (quoted form of POSIX path of path_to_folder) & "; rm " & (quoted form of this_file)
	on error m
		log m
	end try
end delete_from_folder

to add_to_folder(this_file)
		do shell script "cp " & (quoted form of POSIX path of this_file) & " " & (quoted form of POSIX path of path_to_folder)
	on error m
		log m
	end try
end add_to_folder

so erweitern, dass nacher die Reihenfolge der Songs noch stimmt bzw es für jedes Album einen neuen Ordner macht.

Ich habe mir das so vorgestellt, dass das Skript am Anfang die Elemente der Playlist zählt und der Reihen entlang jedem Track eine neue Nummer vorschiebt.
Der zweite Schritt wäre dann das immer alle Tracks eines Albums in einen neuen Ordner (benannt nach dem Album) geschoben werden.

Ist das realistisch?
Weiss jemand wie man so was macht?

Liebe Grüsse,
Oben Unten