Problem mit Header File


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Hallo Zusammen,

Ich muss ein Framework in mein iOS Projekt importieren. Nun bekomme ich in einem Header-File folgenden Fehler:

Hier noch der Code des Header-Files
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

    @abstract    Represents the allowed SUP log levels.
    @discussion  An int value of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Corresponds to trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal, respectively.

@interface SUPLogLevel : NSObject

    @abstract   Returns the log level for TRACE.
    @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)TRACE;

 @abstract   Returns the log level for DEBUG.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)DEBUG;

 @abstract   Returns the log level for INFO.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)INFO;

 @abstract   Returns the log level for WARN.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)WARN;

 @abstract   Returns the log level for ERROR.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)ERROR;

 @abstract   Returns the log level for FATAL.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)FATAL;

 @abstract   Returns the log level from the given string.
 @param level The string describing the log level.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)fromString:(NSString*)level;
+ (NSString*)toString:(int)level;

 @abstract   Compares the log levels and returns 0 if equal, 1 if level1 > level2 and -1 if level2 >level1.
 @param level1 A log level.
 @param level2 A log level.
 @result An int describing the log level.
+ (int)compareLevels:(int)level1 withLevel:(int)level2;


#ifndef SUPLogLevel_TRACE
#define SUPLogLevel_TRACE 1

#ifndef SUPLogLevel_DEBUG
#define SUPLogLevel_DEBUG 2

#ifndef SUPLogLevel_INFO
#define SUPLogLevel_INFO 3


#ifndef SUPLogLevel_WARN
#define SUPLogLevel_WARN 4


#ifndef SUPLogLevel_ERROR
#define SUPLogLevel_ERROR 5

#ifndef SUPLogLevel_FATAL
#define SUPLogLevel_FATAL 6

Was will Xcode bzw. der Compiler da von mir?

Wahrscheinlich hat irgendjemand irgendwo (in den Build Settings oder so) ein #define DEBUG 1

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