OSS und Linux unterstützen Al-Quaeda !


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Ok is ne Menge zu lesen hier mal ein kleiner Auszug:

41. Members of OSS and Linux routinely reverse engineer, misappropriate, or by other means incorporate patented software methods, trade secrets, and other protected intellectual property into their projects under the cause of freedom to innovate, and in support of their socialist views that software should be free and owned by the masses. These activities have resulted in lawsuits and litigation from large computer companies around the world in an attempt to protect their investments in development of computer technology as the result of wide-spread theft of intellectual property by members of OSS and Linux.

42. Much of the activities of Linux and OSS have served to create a funneling system allowing sensitive and advanced technology created by computer technology companies in the United States to be illegally exported out of the United States and into the hands of the citizens of other countries.

43. As a result of these activities, a large portion of US technology has been unwittingly placed into the hands of various groups around the world, including Al-Queda, and other groups who sponsor international terrorism.

44. As a result of these activities, a large portion of US technology has been unwittingly placed into the hands of various groups around the world, including radical governments and groups who sponsor and have used the technology in support of the creation of weapons of mass murder and mass destruction designed to murder American Citizens and their families.

45. As a result of these activities, a large portion of US technology has been unwittingly placed into the hands of various groups around the world, and has crippled and destroyed the commercial computer software technology markets in the United States by destroying their ability to charge money for their technology and has harmed the cause of commerce within the United States.

46. The beheading and murder of United States Citizens in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other countries have been videotaped, converted to MPEG and other images for viewing on the public Internet through the use of OSS and Linux software and computer technology developed and purloined by Linux and OSS members and illegally exported from the United States.

47. Companies which sponsor, endorse, and support OSS and Linux, and those acting in concert as their advocates have been unwitting participants in wholesale technology theft of United States developed technology and sponsors of domestic and international terrorism.

Hier stehts:


Jetzt drehen die Amis aber total ab :rolleyes:
Bald beschweren Sie noch das Getreide Terroristen unterstützt, da auch Sie dieses essen....

Was alben....Hat der Ami nichts zu tun?
och, gibt doch bald Softwarepatente, dann gehört wieder alles den Amerikanern...
Oben Unten