Kann Ical rechnen?


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Wa meint ihr?

Ist es wohl möglich, Zeitsummen aus ical-Terminen zu entwickeln?

Wollte mal wissen, wieviel ich letztes Jahr gearbeitet hab'!

Die ics-Daten lassen sich ja mit FM öffnen, was da aber raus kommt...

Auf 'ne Antwort freut sich
nen AppleScript könnte das wohl erledigen... da musst du mal die scripting profis fragen!
Ich würde mal in Script Editor in der Library schauen:
iCal suite: iCal specific classes.

Class application: This class represents iCal.
Plural form:
	calendar by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	window by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test, by ID
	document by name, by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	<Inheritance>  application  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	progression  small real  -- Set this value to augment the progress bar. Don't read it  (obsolete, will be removed in next release)
	allow cancel  boolean  -- Tell to not allow user cancel of an import  (obsolete, will be removed in next release)

Class attendee: This class represents an attendee
Plural form:
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	email  Unicode text  -- e-mail of the attendee
	participation status  declined/unknown/accepted  [r/o]  -- The invitation status for the attendee
	display name  Unicode text  -- The first and last name of the attendee

Class calendar: This class represents a calendar
Plural form:
	event by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	todo by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	tint  Unicode text  [r/o]  -- The calendar color
	uid  Unicode text  [r/o]  -- An unique calendar key
	title  Unicode text  -- This is the calendar title.
	description  Unicode text  [r/o]  -- This is the calendar description.
	writable  boolean  [r/o]  -- If this calendar is writable

Class display alarm: This class represents a message alarm
Plural form:
	display alarms
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	trigger interval  integer  -- The interval in minutes between the event and the alarm: (positive for alarm that trigger after the event date or negative for alarms that trigger before)

Class event: This class represents an event
Plural form:
	attendee by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	open file alarm by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	sound alarm by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	display alarm by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	mail alarm by numeric index, before/after another element, as a range of elements, satisfying a test
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	uid  Unicode text  [r/o]  -- An unique event key
	location  Unicode text  -- The event location
	url  Unicode text  -- The URL associated to the event
	end date  date  -- The event end date, if defined
	sequence  integer  -- The event version
	recurrence  Unicode text  -- The iCAL string describing the event recurrence, if defined
	summary  Unicode text  -- The event summary
	start date  date  -- The event start date
	excluded dates  date  -- A recurring event excluded dates
	stamp date  date  [r/o]  -- The event last stamp date
	allday event  boolean  -- True if the event is an all-day event
	description  Unicode text  -- This is the event description.
	status  none/confirmed/tentative/cancelled  -- The event status

Class mail alarm: This class represents a mail alarm
Plural form:
	mail alarms
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	trigger interval  integer  -- The interval in minutes between the event and the alarm: (positive for alarm that trigger after the event date or negative for alarms that trigger before)

Class open file alarm: This class represents an 'open file' alarm
Plural form:
	open file alarms
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	trigger interval  integer  -- The interval in minutes between the event and the alarm: (positive for alarm that trigger after the event date or negative for alarms that trigger before)
	filepath  Unicode text  -- The (POSIX) path to be opened by the alarm

Class sound alarm: This class represents a sound alarm
Plural form:
	sound alarms
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	trigger interval  integer  -- The interval in minutes between the event and the alarm: (positive for alarm that trigger after the event date or negative for alarms that trigger before)
	sound name  Unicode text  -- The system sound name to be used for the alarm

Class todo: This class represents an todo
Plural form:
	<Inheritance>  item  [r/o]  -- All of the properties of the superclass.
	priority  integer  -- The todo priority
	due date  date  -- The todo due date
	uid  Unicode text  [r/o]  -- An unique todo key
	sequence  integer  -- The todo version
	url  Unicode text  -- The URL associated to the todo
	summary  Unicode text  -- The todo summary
	stamp date  date  [r/o]  -- The todo last stamp date
	completion date  date  -- The todo completion date

GetURL: Open a webcal: or http: for a remote calendar
	GetURL  reference  -- the object for the command

breathe now: Tell the progress panel to update its UI (obsolete, will be removed in next release)
	breathe now  reference  -- the object for the command

create calendar: Creates a new calendar (obsolete, will be removed in next release)
	create calendar  reference  -- the object for the command
		[with name  Unicode text]  -- the calendar new name

dismiss progress: Dismiss the progress dialog (obsolete, will be removed in next release)
	dismiss progress  reference  -- the object for the command

reload calendars: Tell the application to reload all calendar files contents
	reload calendars  reference  -- the object for the command

reschedule: Reschedules an event to a different start date
	reschedule  reference  -- the object for the command
		to  date  -- the event new start date

should cancel: Return true when the user clicked on the cancel button (obsolete, will be removed in next release)
	should cancel  reference  -- the object for the command
	Result:   boolean  -- the reply for the command

show: Show the event or to-do in the calendar window
	show  reference  -- the object for the command

show progress: Show the progress dialog (obsolete, will be removed in next release)
	show progress  reference  -- the object for the command
		[with message  Unicode text]  -- Give the message to display

switch view: Show calendar on the given view
	switch view  reference  -- the object for the command
		to  day view/week view/month view  -- the calendar view to be displayed

view calendar: Show calendar on the given date
	view calendar  reference  -- the object for the command
		at  date  -- the date to be displayed
Könnte hilfreich sein, doch das Handbuch 'AppleScript für absolute Änfänger' muß ich noch entstauben. ergo: soweit bin ich nicht.

Naja, was nicht ist....

Danke soweit

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