iphone 2.0 fireware

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Was weiß ich was dahinter steckt....
At first download.

Next, fire up iTunes and hook up your iPhone. On the iPhone screen, click on Check for Update while holding the option key. This will bring up a window that allows you to locate the file you downloaded. Choose it, and off you go.

Just so you know in advance, this update is pretty much like doing a restore. All the data on your iPhone will be erased, so just be sure to do one final sync before you go through the process. Once it is done, you can then simply recover your sync settings, and you will be up and running, App Store and all.

firmware heisst das gute teil
tja das window sagt mir, dass ich die aktuellste version drauf habe mehr auch nicht. Außer den Button "ok" kann ich nicht viel "pushen"


ah Option key
Toll, ein weitere Thread zur inoffiziellen 2.0 Software

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