Front Row Filmtrailer auf deutsch


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Hallo. Ich arbeite auf einer Software, die Front Row Filmtrailer zwickt.
Mit dieser Software ist es möglich, Filmtrailer vom im Front Row aufzupassen. Es is noch nicht freigegeben, weil ich ein Uebersetzer suche. Wenn du interessiert bist, kannst du zu mein blog (Looking for a german translator for Bandes-annonces Front Row) gehen (auf englisch!).

Danke. :)
welche sprache hat die software jetzt?
Französisch und Englisch
warum gibst du keine englische version raus oder übersetzt es selbst? offenbar kannst du doch deutsch.
Ich gebe nichts, weil ich nicht wünsche es ist freigegeben jetzt. Ich wünsche es is übersetzt vorher. Ich habe google translate und 15 Minuten gebraucht für die erste Anzeige! Ich kann nicht deutsch. :( Diese Anzeige habe ich versuchen, google nicht zu benutzen. Siehst du das Ergebnis. ;)
Check your Private Messages. Click on "Private Nachrichten" on the upper right corner ;)
achso, naja, so schlecht ist es nicht. aber jetzt wo du es sagst... auf jeden fall könntest du ja zuerst eine nue englische version freigeben. so viel text kann ja nicht sein. sonst findet sich hier bestimmt auch wer.
Auf jedenfall eine super Idee die TrailerQuelle umstellen zu können.
just post in english here, most people understand it ;)
Thank you for allowing me to speak english. ;) This is going to be much easier. AgentMax and theHobbit proposed to translate Bandes-annonces Front Row, this is great. You can download version 2.0b2 and translate MainMenu.nib and the Localizable.strings file that you will find in the French.lproj folder. Maybe one of you can translate it and the others can review the translation.

By the way, Bandes-annonces means Trailers in french.

Also, if you know a better german source of trailers than filmstart, please shout.

And if you have any question, don't hesitate to ask.
From which source will the german trailers be loaded? Are there any favourites?
> AgentMax
You can translate MainMenu.nib from the English.lproj folder, but the Localizable.strings is only in the French.lproj. But don't worry, there is the entire english strings in the Localizable.strings file.

> CubaMAN
For now, I only have for german trailers, if you know others (better ?) please let me know.
@AgentMax is just too fast for me! ;)

If you like, i can have a look at your translation when you're ready.
For now, I only have for german trailers, if you know others (better ?) please let me know.

Another alternative would be, there are also low HD Trailers available. Don't really know which resolution uses, maybe 640px.
OK, finished the translation :)

Where can I send it? ;)

P.S. It's working fine on my computer ;)
P.S.S. I sent you an e-mail :D
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Reaktionen: CubaMAN
Thank you very much AgentMax. :)
Please try version 2.0b3. This version includes the german translation by AgentMax. It also inclue MovieMaze source as suggested by CubaMAN.

Can you please review the german translation, not because I don't trust you AgentMax, juste because others may have insightful suggestions. ;)

A few notes:
- I have not translated Bandes-annonces Front Row because I think it's easier if the product have only one name.
- You translated both How to use Bandes-annonces Front Row ? and How does Bandes-annonces Front Row work ? into Wie funktioniert Bandes-annonces Front Row ?
Wouldn't there be a way to make the small distinction in german or was that a copy-paste error ?
Great Job.

"" works fine but if "MovieMaze" is selcted as source for trailers it wants to start the trailer, turn into black and turn back to the trailer site in Front Row without any scene played.

P.S: sorry for realy bad english, school's out years ago
Great Job.

"" works fine but if "MovieMaze" is selcted as source for trailers it wants to start the trailer, turn into black and turn back to the trailer site in Front Row without any scene played.

P.S: sorry for realy bad english, school's out years ago

It's really a great idea enabling other languages to Frontrow movie trailer, but I have the same Problems as aXCell. "Moviemaze" doesn't work yet.
Would be fine to find the problem, I'd love to watch the HD-Trailer produced by moviemaze!
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