flashed 9800 pro karte in G5 einbauen


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habe einpaar Threads hier gelesen, ja, ich weiss wie man diese Karte flasht

aber musst man die Pins 3 & 11 abkleben ?

Whoops !!! I forgot the second half of the story.

So, Apple got caught with their pants down when the 8X AGP spec came out. Suddenley, the pins they had choosen to be the "Power On" switch (3 & 11) got assigned to 8X AGP. Suddenley, all G4's were relegated to 4X AGP cards forever since an 8X card grounded those pins, or powered them. Anyhow, the net effect is, an 8X card in a Pre G5 causes Mac to seem dead. This tells you "time to tape your pins"

G5's brought 8X AGP compliance by redesigning the ADC plug & pins. So, again Apple thumbed their nose at everyone else, went their own way, and then quietly had to join the bandwagon later when it "didn't work out".

To clarify, the ONLY G4 which doesn't require pin taping is the Pre ADC Sawtooth. If your G4 doesn't have the ADC power tab near AGP slot, you can skip worrying about this. ALL OTHER G4s, Cube included, need these pins taped.

DO NOT tape the pins for a G5. If you buy a flashed 9800, you should REMOVE the tape in fact. Most cards don't seem to mind, but the 6800GT will KP at some point if the tape is left in place on a G5.

Sorry for confusion, sometimes it is easy to forget that what some consider "common knowledge" is not so for everyone.

My apologies, I hope I didn't cayuse anyone trouble.

Mein PM : PowerMac G5 1,6GHz geforce5200 ...

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ist dein englisch so schlecht? steht doch groß drin, dass man das nur in einem g4 machen muss, der g5 hat 8x AGP..
ja, das habe ich auch gelesen, bin aber net so sicher, da mein PM ist nur 1.6GHz, ist die erste Generation von PM G5 oder ? vielleicht hat er ein paar technische Unterschiede ;)

danke für die schnelle antwort
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