Der OSX-App-Store-Preisreduzierungsthread


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Als Pendant zum iPad-/iPhone-Thread würde ich hier gern einen Thread erstellen, der auf kurzfristige Preisreduzierungen im AppStore hinweist.



Ursprungspreis: 29,-- EUR
jetzt: 0,79 EUR

Gutes Projekt- und Aufgabenverarbeitungstool

Main Features
Operation features a very easy-to-use one-window user interface. You can switch between a table view and an amazing new graphical view.

Create projects and tasks easily and quickly. Choose the start and finish dates for your tasks, assign team members to your tasks, and organize tasks according to milestones.

Add and manage your project milestones with ease.

Manage your project team members. Add people or companies.

Attach the project web site and view it within the application.

Attachments: Add any file to your task, whether it is a picture, movie, or document.

Searches are lightning fast in Operation.

Color labels: Label your tasks by level of importance.

The Software Update feature ensures that you always have the latest and greatest version of Operation.

Operation’s database is based on CoreData technology.

Own a small business? We think Operation has all the features you need to keep your finances flowing in.

The application comes with an easy-to-read manual. A Quick Start User’s Guide is also available.

It is really fun to work with Operation because it is very easy, powerful, and made just for Mac OS X.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wieso denkst Du, dieser Beitrag wäre unter 'Utilities und Treiber' gut aufgehoben?
Ich werfe hier mal ein paar Sachen rein:

Es gibt gerade bei den Spielen einige "Eröffnungsangebote":

Das hervorragende Jump&Run-Knobelspiel Braid kostet gerade 3,99 €,

Pangea Arcade, das nett gemachte Remakes der Arcade-Oldies Centipide, Missile Command und Asteroids enthält gibt's sogar für lau,

Bugdom 2 kostet 1,99 €,

und die Coladia-Portierungen der Klick&Point-Adventures The Secrets of Da Vinci, Cleopatra und Rückkehr zur geheimnisvollen Insel gibt's für je 7,99 € (wobei es "Rückkehr..." auch für das iPad gibt und die Version gerade eine Gratisaktion hat).

FREE promotion this weekend only! While we are waiting for the v1.1 patch with several feature fixes and to celebrate that this is our first release on the amazing Mac App Store, we give away the game for free during this weekend only.

LawnMowerKids is a lawn mowing game that will have you control three kids on three different types of mowers, cutting grass while beating the clock in a stunning visual environment populated by engaging characters. The game is action-packed, but still totally non violent, so it is suitable for players of all ages. LawnMowerKids is an addictive, imaginative, and cutting-the-edge game and it should certainly beat the actual act of mowing a lawn.
Kostet Aperture jetzt immer nur 63€? Oder ist das eine Aktion? Oder eine Spaßversion?
find den Thread klasse.. Nur aber denke bei Mac Os X iApps wäre er besser aufgehoben. Danke trotzdem nochmal.
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