Der Klassiker: MacDraft von Microspot


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MacDraft war lange Zeit eine tolles Programm. Zumindest in der Zeit als auf den Blechlieseln die von Bill Gates dirigiert wurden derartiges noch nicht present war. Das hat sich aber geändert. Kaum geändert hat sich aber MacDraft.

Vor 2,5 Jahren hatte ich mal gewagt MacDraft zu testen. Anschließend kam es zu einem Meinungsaustausch zwischen Microspot und mir:

me: Generally speaking I'm missing in MacDraft the use of the right mouse button. ….
Microspot: This is a good idea I think. We will look into it.

Diese Hoffnung wurde aber bis heute nicht erfüllt!

me: In XYZ you can set the focus to an object using the right mouse button. In the same moment a drop down menu appears with several (multiple) choices. In MacDraft you need to set the focus to an object and then go to somewhere to make the selection of the tools or the desired action. That does mean: in XYZ most of the tools come to your point of action instead of moving the mouse pointer.
Microspot: Also a good idea when we implement right mouse click.

Diese Hoffnung hat sich aber auch nicht erfüllt!

me: Zoom actions are poor in MacDraft. In Adobe Photoshop and some other applications you can use the "cmd -" or "cmd +" combination there is more sense than cmd 1 2 3 4!
Microspot: Maybe you are right. We will be adding more zoom levels and then this will not work. You can of course use the zoom tool from the tool palette and option click with it to zoom out.

Keine Verbesserung des Zooms!

me: Resizing of dimensioning objects is very very poor. If the design must be changed and then there is the need to resize - good heavens, you will break your finger first before you succeed. Really, you should take a look, how they do in MS-XYZ. I'm really not a friend of MS but in this case it's better to stay with XYZ instead of changing to MacDraft. Also the idea to setup the number of digits behind the decimal point in MacDraft as it is, is poor. This should be used as presetting, but it should be possible to get an individual override for each object.
Microspot: If you are using linked dimensions then they change with the object. I agree that probably in some cases it is easier to delete and redraw the dimension rather than resize it but if it is not linked then if you select it and then open the resize palette in parameters you can change the size by typing in the exact size you want.

Es ist alles beim alten geblieben!

me: Drawing a straight line using the shift-button - that is clear, but in case there is the need to change the length afterwards? You will sit in the shit, the shift-button doesn't work no more.
Microspot: Very nice language! Yes, that is a problem but if you mostly draw 90 degree lines, in the tool palette change the line type to 90 degree lines and then you can extend the line by dragging it without changing the angle. Also you can use the resize palette to resize it as above.

Bis heute keine Verbesserung!

me: I've read the Users Guide before starting some trials, just to know, what is the difference to the old MacDraft in the time before OS X. There are a lot of good things. But most of them are for experienced people. Creating a simple sketch - like appended to this mail - generates numerous problems taking hours to reach the target. Why I didn't use my XYZ? In one or two weeks I will start a design of a very complicated furniture and I want to know, how I can do this job on my Mac instead of using my unliked Window-PC. The result from today: It will be a job for XYZ.
Microspot: I did try making your sample drawing and I admit there are some challenges. We do not do tangents to ellipses but one thing that made it easier for me which you may not have used is the Duplicate Special option in the Edit menu. This allows you to duplicate objects around a circle. So you can create one spoke and then duplicate it five times. This also helps with duplicating the ellipses.

me: The above description of some items is not the whole story. May be next week in front of XYZ I will remeber more things. If there is any interest I will report. But for the moment I will refuse to buy a license from Microspot. Please don't be impressed by my scorching critism, I like Macs for a long time ….
Microspot: Thanks for you feed back. We hope that we have also answered some of your questions.

Jetzt nach 2,5 Jahren dachte ich mir, dass es vielleicht Verbesserungen geben würde. Nur habe ich mir dabei ein Problem eingehandelt. Vor wenigen Wochen hatte ich meinen alten Mac gegen einen neuen ausgetauscht und bin mit meinen alten Sachen auf den neuen Mac migriert. Kurz vor dieser Aktion wollte ich MacDraft testen und hatte die neueste Trial-Version schon geladen und installiert. 4 Tage später fand die Migration statt. MacDraft geriet derweil in Vergessenheit. Und was ich nicht bedacht hatte, dass die Trial-Zeitraum ablaufen würde. Der Kontakt zu Microspot um eine Verlängerung hatte leider nicht zum gewünschten Ergebnis geführt. Meine Schilderung, wie es zu dieser Situation kam, hätte zwar Steine erweichen können, aber hier war ich machtlos.

Also nach der Devise „Selbst ist der Mann“ war das Problem dann auch schnell gelöst. Der neuerliche Test hat mich aber nicht vom Hocker gehauen. Ein Grund mehr sich nach etwas umzusehen, mit dem man ordentliches 2D-CAD auf dem Mac machen kann, aber muss man den gleich in die zig-Tausende gehen?

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