Das sind doch schlafkräftige Argumente

Ich will ja kein Spielverderber sein, aber den hatten Wir diese Woche schon zwei bis drei mal...
Einmal davon in der Schmunzelecke! :cool: :D
superspike schrieb:
Ich will ja kein Spielverderber sein, aber den hatten Wir diese Woche schon zwei bis drei mal...
Einmal davon in der Schmunzelecke! :cool: :D
och mennoo *schmoll* :(
Zum Thema FF:

*yawn* More Firefox boasting

Firefox continues to do a great PR job, but does it really have that much over Opera? Let's have a look (again) at their dubious claims of greatness.

Popup Blocking - Stop annoying popup ads in their tracks with Firefox's built in popup blocker.

Yup, Opera does that.

Tabbed Browsing - View more than one web page in a single window with this time saving feature. Open links in the background so that they're ready for viewing when you're ready to read them. Find out more...

*yawn* Yeah, Opera does that too. Opera actually has a Multi Document Interface which is a lot more powerful than just tabs.

Privacy and Security - Built with your security in mind, Firefox keeps your computer safe from malicious spyware by not loading harmful ActiveX controls. A comprehensive set of privacy tools keep your online activity your business.

Huh, just like Opera. Opera lets you easily select information you want to keep or delete.

Smarter Search - Google Search is built right into the toolbar, and there are a plethora of other search tools including Keywords (type "dict " in the Location Bar), and the new find toolbar (which finds as you type and eliminates the annoying window that always seems to be in your way).

Opera has several search engines built-in (without needing extensions). You can add your own if you want. (Opera has had this for years, despite Firefox making it seem like a unique invention of theirs.

Live Bookmarks - RSS integration lets you read the latest news headlines and read updates to your favorite sites that are syndicated. Find out more...

Opera has an integrated RSS reader.

Hassle-Free Downloading - Files you download are automatically saved to your Desktop so they're easy to find. Fewer prompts mean files download quicker.

Opera starts downloading as soon as you click the link. Take as much time as you want to decide where to save the file (or define where certain file types will be saved). There's also the Quick Download option which lets you download without any prompts.

Fits Like a Glove - Simple and intuitive, yet fully featured, Firefox has all the functions you're used to - Bookmarks, History, Full Screen, Text Zooming to make pages with small text easier to read, etc.

Of course Opera has had these for years, and also gives you the ability to edit your menus and keyboard commands right in the app without needing to get into editing XUL files or downloading extensions. Opera also gives you access to many settings via the F12 menu, and lets you turn image loading on/off with a single button.

S, M, L or XL—You Choose - Firefox is the most customizable browser on the planet. Customize your toolbars to add additional buttons, install new Extensions that add new features, add new Themes to browse with style, and use the adaptive search system to allow you to search an infinite number of engines. Firefox is as big or small as you want.

"Most customizable"? Hrm... I'm not sure about that. Why should I have to download extensions to get things to work like I want? Will they conflict with one another? Will they work in future releases? Opera is a smaller package than Firefox with a lot more features, without having to search around for a tool to make it work better. Opera builds better in from the beginning. And we've got customizable toolbars and buttons too. Plenty of themes at http://my.opera.com too.

Setup's a Snap - At only 4.5MB (Windows), Firefox takes just a few minutes to download over a slow connection and seconds over a fast connection. The installer gets you set up quickly, and the new Easy Transition system imports all of your settings - Favorites, passwords and other data from Internet Explorer and other browsers - so you can start surfing right away.

Wow, they've done well to get the download to only about 1MB larger than Opera... of course Opera has mouse gestures, RSS, and a mail client built in, not to mention IRC. Oh, and if you don't use Windows, the download is over 8MB.

A Developer's Best Friend - Firefox comes with a standard set of developer tools including a powerful JavaScript and CSS error/warning console, and an optional Document Inspector that gives detailed insight about your pages.

Optional, as in "separately downloadable" so they could get that download size down to 4.5MB. Opera has a Java and JavaScript console built in, and also has a built-in feature to submit pages to the W3C validator (even local pages or pages inaccessible via the Internet).

Read Mail—Not Spam - Thunderbird is the perfect complement to Firefox.

Yeah that's not really a feature of Firefox so much as a completely different program. Thunderbird is a 5.8MB download for Windows or 11MB for Mac OS X. Opera's Mail client has an advanced searching system that takes seconds to search through thousands of messages (like GMail, except you get to control your own mailbox). That's built-in too.

Well, we congratulate Firefox on their professional public relations campaign to draw attention to their browser. I'm not sure that's where I'd spend $100k, but hey, it's not my money...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
peterli schrieb:
och mennoo *schmoll* :(

Na ja, sooo tragisch ist es auch nun wieder nicht...
animalchin schrieb:
DAS ist doch mal ein Stichwort für zehn nach eins. *indieHeiahüpf*



Oh hoppala. Gar nicht aufgefallen. Hab Wurstfinger. :D
Kann das bitte mal ein Mod ändern? Danke. ;)
Von Schlaffertig in Schlagfertige ...
Auch auf die Gefahr hin, Haue zu bekommen.. Ich find FF ähnlich blöde wie den IE.
peterli schrieb:
Und nun? Opera war bis vor kurzem nicht mal kostenlos.

Soviel zum Thema Opera. *liedchen pfeif*

Ist "Kostenlos" das einzige Argument für die Qualität eines Programms?
Außerdem konnte man Opera seit Jahren kostenlos nutzen, wenn man eine kleine, nicht weiter störende Werbeeinblendung akzeptiert hat.

Der Hype um den FF kommt imho zum Großteil nur, weil er
a) aussieht und genau so bedient wird wie der IE und
b) viele "Profi-Magazine" den Pushen ohne ende, weil sie da Leute haben, die sich auch noch drüber freuen denen kostenlosen Content für die Heft CDs zu liefern...
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