Camino vor dem (langsamen) Aus

Für die, dies noch nicht wissen, Camino wird über Kurz oder Lang nicht mehr fortgeführt, weil Mozilla das Ende der Gecko-Engine verkündet hat:

Schon schade, aber Mozilla stellt nicht Gecko ein, sondern die Unterstützung von Gecko embedding.
siehe auch:!topic/
We came the
following conclusions:

* Embedding Mozilla rendering into other processes is a tough
problem. We never solved it fully, and each embedder has had to
spend lots of time tweaking things.
* Firefox is the key product of the Mozilla project; to the extent
that supporting embedding takes away from Firefox, we should
strongly prioritize Firefox.
* Binary compatibility of our embedding bindings is a high cost
which is not worth the benefits.
* As we move Firefox into a multiple-process model, the embedding
solution we really want is very different from the one we
currently have: we really want embedders to be simple containers
for a separate Firefox process which would do the actual web
Camino Forum schrieb:
I hope that we can generate enough new developer interest to make a WebKit-based future possible.

Dabei war Camino immer der bessere Gecko-Browser auf dem Mac. Mit WebKit geht dieser Vorteil verloren. Gute WebKit-Browser haben wir schon genug. :(
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