Woran erkennt man manipulierte Fotos? (Photoshop / etc.)

Genau. Probiers aus. Regler extrem verstellen und schauen, was passiert.
- gibt es exif Daten zum Bild, oder sind auch diese schon gelöscht oder manipuliert (Plausibilität)
- liegt das Bild in einer ausreichenden Qualität vor damit man überhaupt eine Chance hat eine Manipulation zu erkennen?
Der TE hat ja erwähnt dass das Bild via WhatsApp gekommen ist. Da kannst du nichts mehr herauslesen und die Qualität ist mieser als mies.
Ein wenig spezifischer ist es schon… Bei den von Dir verlinkten Reglern wird immer das ganze Bild manipuliert wenn man nicht vorher Masken festgelegt hat.
Diese Regler kann man trotzdem verwenden und mal ein wenig herumspielen, bei manipulierten Bildern, eingefügten oder getauschten Inhalten zeigen sich dann (wenn die Täuschung nicht sehr sorgfältig gemacht wird) plötzliche andere Veränderungen bei Farben oder Kontrasten etc. als beim Rest des unmanipulierten Bildes
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: ims
ja, wäre schon nützlich wenn der TE zumindest etwas zur Auflösung, Bildgröße und evtl. Kompression schreiben würde. (WhatsApp Bild sagt mir jetzt nichts, ich nutze gar kein smartphone ;))
Da kann man nicht wirklich einen Unterschied merken.

Aber wie gesagt, die Bilder (sind zwei) sind per WhatsApp verschickt und haben folgende Daten:

182 KB (1600 × 1200)
Farbraum: RGB
Farbprofil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Alpha-Kanal: nein
Auflösung: 96 dpi
Bittiefe 24
Attribute: A

384 KB (1200 × 1600)
Farbraum: RGB
Farbprofil: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Alpha-Kanal: nein
Auflösung: 96 dpi
Bittiefe 24
Attribute: A
Ich würde mich am Haar bzw. der Frisur orientieren und an der direkten Umgebung davon. Sind die Kanten zu hart / weich. Sind plötzlich Strähnen oder einzelne Haare abgeschnitten. Sind Teilbereiche der Frisur anders eingefärbt weil ein anderer Hintergrund vorhanden. Oder irgendwelche Lücken / Blitzer vergessen worden. Sind Teilbereiche der Frisur ungewöhnlich glatt gestrichen oder vereinfacht worden. Oder ungewöhnlich scharf gegenüber den anderen darauf befindlichen Frisuren. Haare und generell Frisuren sind mit das schwiergste was es zu retuschieren gibt. Das ist zeitaufwendig und sprichwörtlich zum Haare raufen.
Es gibt spezielle forensische Programme um solche Modifikationen fest zu stellen.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: ims
Ich habe nun zwei Programme gefunden und Suche gerade ob es die noch gibt:

Picture Manipulation Inspector -> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picture_Manipulation_Inspector

Wenn ich die beiden Bilder mit JPEGsnoop teste kommt folgendes Ergebnis:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited

wenn ich ein unbearbeites Foto von mir nehme kommt folgendes:
ASSESSMENT: Class 4 - Uncertain if processed or original
While the EXIF fields indicate original, no compression signatures
in the current database were found matching this make/model

Ich würde gerne das komplette Ergebnis der beiden Bilder hier posten, doch es ist zu lang. Weil verstehe es nicht wirklich, vielleicht kann wer von Euch damit was anfangen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited
Tja, da stellt sich nun die Frage – in welchem Umfang? Nur Helligkeit und Kontrast oder mehr? Vielleicht wurde es ja mit einem Handy aufgenommen und irgendein Effektfilter war aktiviert?
Wir werden es nie erfahren, wenn wir es nicht sehen können.
Ich rate mal wild ins Blaue: Jemand will den Eindruck erzeugen, Person A betrügt Person B und hat in ein Foto von Person A Person C hineinretouchiert.
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: ims
Tja, da stellt sich nun die Frage – in welchem Umfang? Nur Helligkeit und Kontrast oder mehr? Vielleicht wurde es ja mit einem Handy aufgenommen und irgendein Effektfilter war aktiviert?
Ich würde behaupten, dass schon alleine die Verkleinerung/Komprimierung durch WhatsApp hier reinfallen würde …
  • Gefällt mir
Reaktionen: ims
Bild 1

JPEGsnoop 1.8.0 by Calvin Hass

  Filename: [G E L O E S C H T  durch IMS] → BILD 1
  Filesize: [168857] Bytes

Start Offset: 0x00000000
*** Marker: SOI (xFFD8) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000000
*** Marker: APP0 (xFFE0) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000002
  Length     = 16
  Identifier = [JFIF]
  version    = [1.1]
  density    = 1 x 1 (aspect ratio)
  thumbnail  = 0 x 0
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x00000014
  Table length = 132
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
    DQT, Row #0:   6   6   6   7  10  15  22  34
    DQT, Row #1:   6   7   8  11  14  16  21  30
    DQT, Row #2:   6   8  10  12  17  25  36  54
    DQT, Row #3:   7  11  12  16  21  30  42  62
    DQT, Row #4:  10  14  17  21  28  38  52  76
    DQT, Row #5:  15  16  25  30  38  50  68  95
    DQT, Row #6:  22  21  36  42  52  68  90 124
    DQT, Row #7:  34  30  54  62  76  95 124 167
    Approx quality factor = 71.19 (scaling=57.62 variance=593.35)
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
    DQT, Row #0:   6   6   6   7  10  15  22  34
    DQT, Row #1:   6   7   8  11  14  16  21  30
    DQT, Row #2:   6   8  10  12  17  25  36  54
    DQT, Row #3:   7  11  12  16  21  30  42  62
    DQT, Row #4:  10  14  17  21  28  38  52  76
    DQT, Row #5:  15  16  25  30  38  50  68  95
    DQT, Row #6:  22  21  36  42  52  68  90 124
    DQT, Row #7:  34  30  54  62  76  95 124 167
    Approx quality factor = 80.24 (scaling=39.51 variance=961.47)
*** Marker: SOF2 (Progressive DCT, Huffman) (xFFC2) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000009A
  Frame header length = 17
  Precision = 8
  Number of Lines = 1200
  Samples per Line = 1600
  Image Size = 1600 x 1200
  Raw Image Orientation = Landscape
  Number of Img components = 3
    Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x22 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
    Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
    Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000000AD
  Huffman table length = 50
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 00 01 02
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 04
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 05
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 07
    Codes of length 08 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 008

  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 00
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 03
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 04
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 05
    Codes of length 07 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 08 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 006

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000000E1
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=1(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=1(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x02

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000050EF
  Huffman table length = 2
*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000050F3
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x21

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000670F
  Huffman table length = 2
*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00006713
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x10

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00007D32
  Huffman table length = 54
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 02 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 03
    Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 10 12 21
    Codes of length 06 bits (003 total): 04 20 31
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 13 41 51
    Codes of length 08 bits (002 total): 22 30
    Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 32 42 52 61 71
    Codes of length 10 bits (004 total): 05 14 23 81
    Codes of length 11 bits (002 total): 40 91
    Codes of length 12 bits (001 total): 72
    Codes of length 13 bits (005 total): 24 33 62 A1 B1
    Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): 15
    Codes of length 15 bits (001 total): 34
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 035

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00007D6A
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x00

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
Bild 1 Fortsetzung:

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000A480
  Huffman table length = 57
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 02 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 03
    Codes of length 05 bits (003 total): 10 21 31
    Codes of length 06 bits (003 total): 04 12 20
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 13 41 51
    Codes of length 08 bits (003 total): 05 22 61
    Codes of length 09 bits (003 total): 06 32 71
    Codes of length 10 bits (002 total): 30 81
    Codes of length 11 bits (006 total): 14 23 40 42 52 91
    Codes of length 12 bits (002 total): 33 62
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): A1
    Codes of length 14 bits (004 total): 15 24 34 72
    Codes of length 15 bits (003 total): 25 53 C1
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 038

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000A4BB
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x00

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000D0AD
  Huffman table length = 63
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 03 11
    Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 10 12 21 31
    Codes of length 06 bits (004 total): 04 13 20 41
    Codes of length 07 bits (004 total): 22 30 32 51
    Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 05 40 61 71
    Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 14 23 42 50 52
    Codes of length 10 bits (003 total): 15 33 81
    Codes of length 11 bits (003 total): 43 53 91
    Codes of length 12 bits (003 total): 24 34 62
    Codes of length 13 bits (004 total): 72 A1 B1 C1
    Codes of length 14 bits (002 total): 63 82
    Codes of length 15 bits (003 total): 44 D1 F1
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 044

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000D0EE
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x02

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000149E9
  Huffman table length = 42
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 00 01 11
    Codes of length 03 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 10 21
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 31 41
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 20 51
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 61 71
    Codes of length 08 bits (002 total): 30 81
    Codes of length 09 bits (002 total): 91 A1
    Codes of length 10 bits (002 total): 40 B1
    Codes of length 11 bits (002 total): 50 C1
    Codes of length 12 bits (003 total): D1 E1 F1
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): F0
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 023

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00014A15
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x21

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0001C386
  Huffman table length = 42
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 01
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 00
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 21 31
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 10 41
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 51 61
    Codes of length 08 bits (002 total): 71 81
    Codes of length 09 bits (002 total): 20 91
    Codes of length 10 bits (002 total): A1 B1
    Codes of length 11 bits (002 total): 40 50
    Codes of length 12 bits (003 total): 30 C1 D1
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): E1
    Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): F1
    Codes of length 15 bits (001 total): F0
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 023

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0001C3B2
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x10

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00029397

*** Searching Compression Signatures ***

  Signature:           014D6128740A2927C9914C433E852F5A
  Signature (Rotated): 014D6128740A2927C9914C433E852F5A
  File Offset:         0 bytes
  Chroma subsampling:  2x2
  EXIF Make/Model:     NONE
  EXIF Makernotes:     NONE
  EXIF Software:       NONE

  Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) )

          EXIF.Make / Software        EXIF.Model                            Quality           Subsamp Match?
          -------------------------   -----------------------------------   ----------------  --------------

  Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:

  ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited

  This may be a new software editor for the database.
  If this file is processed, and editor doesn't appear in list above,
  PLEASE ADD TO DATABASE with [Tools->Add Camera to DB]
Bild 2:

JPEGsnoop 1.8.0 by Calvin Hass

  Filename: [G E L O E S C H T  durch IMS] → BILD 2
  Filesize: [335500] Bytes

Start Offset: 0x00000000
*** Marker: SOI (xFFD8) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000000
*** Marker: APP0 (xFFE0) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00000002
  Length     = 16
  Identifier = [JFIF]
  version    = [1.1]
  density    = 1 x 1 (aspect ratio)
  thumbnail  = 0 x 0
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x00000014
  Table length = 67
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=0 (Luminance)
    DQT, Row #0:   8   6   5   8  12  20  26  31
    DQT, Row #1:   6   6   7  10  13  29  30  28
    DQT, Row #2:   7   7   8  12  20  29  35  28
    DQT, Row #3:   7   9  11  15  26  44  40  31
    DQT, Row #4:   9  11  19  28  34  55  52  39
    DQT, Row #5:  12  18  28  32  41  52  57  46
    DQT, Row #6:  25  32  39  44  52  61  60  51
    DQT, Row #7:  36  46  48  49  56  50  52  50
    Approx quality factor = 74.75 (scaling=50.51 variance=0.81)
*** Marker: DQT (xFFDB) ***
  Define a Quantization Table.
  OFFSET: 0x00000059
  Table length = 67
  Precision=8 bits
  Destination ID=1 (Chrominance)
    DQT, Row #0:   9   9  12  24  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #1:   9  11  13  33  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #2:  12  13  28  50  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #3:  24  33  50  50  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #4:  50  50  50  50  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #5:  50  50  50  50  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #6:  50  50  50  50  50  50  50  50
    DQT, Row #7:  50  50  50  50  50  50  50  50
    Approx quality factor = 74.74 (scaling=50.52 variance=0.19)
*** Marker: SOF2 (Progressive DCT, Huffman) (xFFC2) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000009E
  Frame header length = 17
  Precision = 8
  Number of Lines = 1600
  Samples per Line = 1200
  Image Size = 1200 x 1600
  Raw Image Orientation = Portrait
  Number of Img components = 3
    Component[1]: ID=0x01, Samp Fac=0x22 (Subsamp 1 x 1), Quant Tbl Sel=0x00 (Lum: Y)
    Component[2]: ID=0x02, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cb)
    Component[3]: ID=0x03, Samp Fac=0x11 (Subsamp 2 x 2), Quant Tbl Sel=0x01 (Chrom: Cr)
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000000B1
  Huffman table length = 26
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 01 02 03
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 00
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 04
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 05
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06
    Codes of length 07 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 08 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 007

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000000CD
  Huffman table length = 24
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 00
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 03
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 04
    Codes of length 06 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 07 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 08 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 09 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 10 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 11 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 005

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000000E7
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=1(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=1(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x02

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00004C4D
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x21

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000626D
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 0
  Successive approximation = 0x10

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
Bild 2 Fortsetzung

*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000788C
  Huffman table length = 42
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 02 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 10 21
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 31
    Codes of length 06 bits (004 total): 03 12 20 41
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 30 51
    Codes of length 08 bits (002 total): 13 22
    Codes of length 09 bits (003 total): 04 32 61
    Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 40
    Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): 71
    Codes of length 12 bits (001 total): 42
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): 52
    Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): D1
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 023

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000078B8
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x02, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x00

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00009455
  Huffman table length = 41
  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 02 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 10 21
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 12 31
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 20 41
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 03 51
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 61
    Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 04 13 22 30 71
    Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 32
    Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): 14
    Codes of length 12 bits (001 total): 42
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): 81
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 022

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00009480
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x03, table=0(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x00

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000B46B
  Huffman table length = 73
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (001 total): 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (003 total): 00 02 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (003 total): 03 12 21
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 31 41
    Codes of length 06 bits (005 total): 04 10 13 22 51
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 32 61
    Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 20 42 71 81
    Codes of length 09 bits (005 total): 05 14 23 52 91
    Codes of length 10 bits (003 total): 30 33 A1
    Codes of length 11 bits (002 total): 62 B1
    Codes of length 12 bits (002 total): 24 C1
    Codes of length 13 bits (008 total): 15 34 40 43 53 72 D1 E1
    Codes of length 14 bits (005 total): 63 82 83 92 A2
    Codes of length 15 bits (002 total): F0 44
    Codes of length 16 bits (007 total): 06 25 73 B2 C2 F1 F2
    Total number of codes: 054

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0000B4B6
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x02

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0001EF15
  Huffman table length = 41
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 01
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 00 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 21 31
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 41 51
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 61 71
    Codes of length 07 bits (002 total): 10 81
    Codes of length 08 bits (002 total): 91 A1
    Codes of length 09 bits (002 total): 20 B1
    Codes of length 10 bits (002 total): C1 D1
    Codes of length 11 bits (003 total): 30 E1 F0
    Codes of length 12 bits (001 total): F1
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): 40
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 022

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0001EF40
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x21

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: DHT (Define Huffman Table) (xFFC4) ***
  OFFSET: 0x0003207C
  Huffman table length = 40
  Destination ID = 0
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (001 total): 01
    Codes of length 02 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 03 bits (002 total): 00 11
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 21 31
    Codes of length 05 bits (002 total): 41 51
    Codes of length 06 bits (002 total): 61 71
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 81
    Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 91 A1 B1 C1
    Codes of length 09 bits (003 total): 10 D1 E1
    Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): F0
    Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): F1
    Codes of length 12 bits (001 total): 20
    Codes of length 13 bits (001 total): 30
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 021

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x000320A6
  Scan header length = 8
  Number of img components = 1
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
  Spectral selection = 1 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x10

  NOTE: Scan parsing doesn't support this SOF mode.
*** Marker: COM (Comment) (xFFFE) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00051E85
  Comment length = 3
*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00051E8A

*** Searching Compression Signatures ***

  Signature:           0182408A81A4ABF04D4A34A8A5E98C58
  Signature (Rotated): 012D821C6AB210E2A753BE053B8F55D0
  File Offset:         0 bytes
  Chroma subsampling:  2x2
  EXIF Make/Model:     NONE
  EXIF Makernotes:     NONE
  EXIF Software:       NONE

  Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) )

          EXIF.Make / Software        EXIF.Model                            Quality           Subsamp Match?
          -------------------------   -----------------------------------   ----------------  --------------
     CAM:[SONY                     ] [CYBERSHOT U                        ] [                ] Yes             
     SW :[Adobe Photoshop 7.0      ]                                       [Save As 07      ]                 
     SW :[Apple Quicktime          ]                                       [0466-0467       ]                 
     SW :[Digital Photo Professiona]                                       [05              ]                 
     SW :[IJG Library              ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[MS Paint                 ]                                       [                ]                 
     SW :[MS Visio                 ]                                       [                ]                 
     SW :[ZoomBrowser EX           ]                                       [low             ]                 

    The following IJG-based editors also match this signature:
     SW :[GIMP                     ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[IrfanView                ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[idImager                 ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[FastStone Image Viewer   ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[NeatImage                ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[Paint.NET                ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[Photomatix               ]                                       [075             ]                 
     SW :[XnView                   ]                                       [075             ]                 

  Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:

  ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited

  This may be a new software editor for the database.
  If this file is processed, and editor doesn't appear in list above,
  PLEASE ADD TO DATABASE with [Tools->Add Camera to DB]
An dem ganzen output des Programms kann man nur erkennen, dass das Bild bearbeitet wurde. Ob die Bearbeitung eine Manipulation war ist nicht ersichtlich (und so wie ich das sehe, auch gar nicht Zweck des Programms)
Was mir auffällt ist, dass bei dem Ergebnis von Bild 2 am Ende was von Photoshop (etc.) steht und bei dem Ergebnis von Bild 1 nicht.
Oben Unten