Sinbad 1.0 - Software-Empfehlung - Umfangreiches Suchtool


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Sinbad 1.0 - SW-Empfehlung - Umfangreiches Suchtool

Habe Sinbad 1.0 entdeckt und ich finde das Ding nützlich, zudem ist es (noch?) kostenlos.

Features: CDDB-Suche, Büchersuche incl. Wikibooks, World Fact Book-Suche, Dictionary DE <> En, Encyclopedia - ebenfalls Wiki (u.a. DE), Gesundheit-Suche, Liedtext-Suche, Film-Suche, Einkaufen -> Amazon, Technik-Suche

Gut, es gibt andere Möglichkeiten an diese Dinge ranzukommen, mir gefällt die Zusammenfassung in einem Programm.

Und sicherlich steckt hinter dem Ganzen ein kommerzieller Hintergrund, das stört mich jetzt erst mal nicht weiter.

Gruß, Hubertus
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From: twdldee

Oct 14, 05 - 12:34 pm

So is Sherlock dead in the water or what? Half of the channels don't work anymore. That sux cause it was a really good idea.


From: Anger Monkey

Oct 14, 05 - 12:39 pm

worth a try, its only 1.3MB. I do love all the quality freeware. One more amazing difference between Mac and Windows. So much more quality freeware compared to Windows, everything just always looks so much better.


From: LordRobin

Oct 14, 05 - 01:12 pm

Ehh. The number one thing I used Watson for was movie listings. Now that Watson's kaput, I use Sherlock for the same thing. If Sherlock's movie channel stops working, I'll need something else, but it doesn't look like this app provides it.


From: Ampar

Oct 14, 05 - 03:03 pm

At first glance, I thought this story had something to do with raising bail money for a very tall comedian.


From: dogfriend

Oct 14, 05 - 03:10 pm

I am irritated by the way that Apple has let Sherlock languish, now that widgets are here. I still run Panther on my work computer, so I need to use the Phone Book in Sherlock, but it hasn't worked for a few months now.

I paid for and used Watson when it came out. It was a really good app. The only irritating part was that it wanted to update almost everytime that I started it up. I just wanted quick info, but I would have to wait for an update and then close and restart Watson to get my info.


From: Anon E. Moose

Oct 16, 05 - 02:24 pm

Ampar: "At first glance, I thought this story had something to do with raising bail money for a very tall comedian."

LOL - since he is quite an Apple fan, and is routinely seen at Macworld Expo's and the like, I was thinking the same thing...
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