MacBook Air M1 Kernel Panic


Thread Starter
Dabei seit
ich hatte heute zum ersten Mal eine Kernel Panic.
Ich habe im Internet gelesen, dass das Programm "EtreCheckPro" Aufschluss geben kann. Ich lese auch von von Kernel Panic, ganz unten, aber Schlau werde ich daraus nicht.

Was bedeutet das?

EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.1 (68024)
Report generated: 2023-07-26 10:49:19
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 1:40
Performance: Excellent

Problem: No problem - just checking

Major Issues:
  Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.
  Kernel panics - This system has experienced kernel panics. This could be a sign of hardware failure.

Minor Issues:
  These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
  No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.
  Apps with heavy CPU usage - There have been numerous cases of apps with heavy CPU usage.
  Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. These files could be old, incompatible, and cause problems. They should be reviewed.
  Limited permissions - More information may be available with Full Disk Access.

Hardware Information:
  MacBook Air (M1, 2020)
    Status: Supported
    Under warranty: Yes
    Warranty expiration: 2023-12-27
  MacBook Air Model: MacBookAir10,1
  2.40 GHz Apple M1 (m1) CPU: 8-core
  16 GB RAM - Not upgradeable
  Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 128

Video Information:
  Apple M1
    Color LCD (built-in) 3360 x 2100
    OMEN by HP 25 1920 x 1080

  disk0 - APPLE SSD AP0256Q 251.00 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
  Internal Apple Fabric NVM Express
    disk0s1 [APFS Container] 524 MB
      disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 524 MB (Shared by 4 volumes)
        disk1s1 - iSCPreboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (6 MB used)
        disk1s2 - xART (APFS) (6 MB used)
        disk1s3 - Hardware (APFS) (1 MB used)
        disk1s4 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (20 KB used)
    disk0s2 [APFS Container] 245.11 GB
      disk3 [APFS Virtual drive] 245.11 GB (Shared by 6 volumes)
        disk3s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (28.19 GB used)
        disk3s2 - Update (APFS) (37 MB used)
        disk3s3 (APFS) [APFS Container] (9.06 GB used)
          disk3s3s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (9.06 GB used)
        disk3s4 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (5.11 GB used)
        disk3s5 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (797 MB used)
        disk3s6 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (20 KB used)
    disk0s3 [APFS Container] 5.37 GB
      disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 5.37 GB (Shared by 2 volumes)
        disk2s1 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.62 GB used)
        disk2s2 - Update (APFS) (340 KB used)

Mounted Volumes:
  disk1s1 - iSCPreboot [APFS Preboot]
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/iSCPreboot
    Used: 6 MB
    Shared values
      Size: 524 MB
      Free: 505 MB

  disk1s2 - xART
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/xarts
    Used: 6 MB
    Shared values
      Size: 524 MB
      Free: 505 MB

  disk1s3 - Hardware
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Hardware
    Used: 1 MB
    Shared values
      Size: 524 MB
      Free: 505 MB

  disk3s1 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data
    Used: 28.19 GB
    Shared values
      Size: 245.11 GB
      Free: 201.78 GB
      Available: 205.69 GB

  disk3s2 - Update
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update
    Used: 37 MB
    Shared values
      Size: 245.11 GB
      Free: 201.78 GB

  disk3s3s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot]
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /
    Read-only: Yes
    Used: 9.06 GB
    Shared values
      Size: 245.11 GB
      Free: 201.78 GB
      Available: 205.69 GB

  disk3s4 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot
    Used: 5.11 GB
    Shared values
      Size: 245.11 GB
      Free: 201.78 GB

  disk3s6 - VM [APFS VM]
    Filesystem: APFS
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM
    Used: 20 KB
    Shared values
      Size: 245.11 GB
      Free: 201.78 GB

  Interface en3: Ethernet Adapter (en3)
  Interface en4: Ethernet Adapter (en4)
  Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
  Interface en0: Wi-Fi
    802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax

System Software:
  macOS Ventura 13.4.1 (22F770820d)
  Time since boot: Less than an hour

    27 notifications

  Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
  System Integrity Protection: Enabled

  Antivirus software: Apple

Unsigned Files:
  Running app: /Applications/Google Chrome

  Apps: 1

  435 apps
  4 x86-only apps
  2 unsigned apps

System Extensions:
  [Not Loaded] NordVPN Threat Protection - version 1.1.3 (Nordvpn S.A. - 2023-07-19)
    Application: /Applications/ - version 8.6.1 (Nordvpn S.A. - 2023-07-19)
    Description: System extension is used to scan files downloaded from the internet for malware.

System Launch Daemons:
  [Not Loaded]  43 Apple tasks
  [Loaded]  191 Apple tasks
  [Running]  154 Apple tasks
  [Other]  One Apple task

System Launch Agents:
  [Not Loaded]  24 Apple tasks
  [Loaded]  214 Apple tasks
  [Running]  159 Apple tasks

Launch Daemons:
  [Running] com.nordvpn.macos.helper.plist (Nordvpn S.A. - installed 2023-07-19)
    Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.nordvpn.macos.helper

User Launch Agents:
  [Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2023-07-24)
    Command: ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode ifneeded

  [Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2023-07-24)
    Command: ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode xpchost

User Login Items:
  [Running] 1Password Browser Helper (AgileBits Inc. - installed 2023-07-19)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/ Browser

  [Loaded] 1Password Launcher (AgileBits Inc. - installed 2023-07-19)
    Modern Login Item

  [Loaded] NordVPNLauncher Sideload (Nordvpn S.A. - installed 2023-07-19)
    Modern Login Item

  [Not Loaded] WhatsApp Login Helper (App Store - installed 2023-07-23)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/ Login

App Extensions:
    CraftWidget - /Applications/

    SelectDocumentIntent - /Applications/

  Share services:
    Telegram - /Applications/
    Craft - /Applications/

  Notification providers:
    CraftNotificationExtension - /Applications/

  QuickLook Previews:
    EtreCheckQuickLook - ~/Downloads/
      com.etresoft.etrecheck4 *.etrecheck

  QuickLook Previews (legacy):
    Figma - /Applications/
      com.figma.document *.fig

  Time Machine Not Configured!

  System Load: 1.68 (1 min ago) 4.12 (5 min ago) 3.22 (15 min ago)
  Nominal I/O usage: 7.04 MB/s
  File system: 8.03 seconds
  Write speed: 2485 MB/s
  Read speed: 2005 MB/s

CPU Usage Snapshot:
  Type Overall
  System: 2 %
  User: 4 %
  Idle: 93 %

Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
  Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
  WindowServer 21.62 % (Apple)
  EtreCheckPro 11.36 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
  kernel_task 4.65 % (Apple)
  Google Chrome 3.92 % (Google LLC)
  Discord Helper (Renderer) 2.88 % (Discord, Inc.)

Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
  Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
  Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (7) 1.06 GB (Google LLC)
  EtreCheckPro 928 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
  NordVPN 466 MB (Nordvpn S.A.)
  Discord Helper (Renderer) 379 MB (Discord, Inc.)
  Google Chrome 276 MB (Google LLC)

Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
  Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location)
  mDNSResponder 173 KB / 113 KB (Apple)
  apsd 11 KB / 42 KB (Apple)
  NordVPN 37 KB / 6 KB (Nordvpn S.A.)
  Mail 27 KB / 8 KB (Apple)
  trustd 29 KB / 5 KB (Apple)

Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
  Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
  WindowServer 11 (Apple)
  Google Chrome Helper (GPU) 4 (Google LLC)
  Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (7) 3 (Google LLC)
  Google Chrome 3 (Google LLC)
  Discord Helper (Renderer) 2 (Discord, Inc.)

Virtual Memory Information:
  Physical RAM: 16 GB

  Free RAM: 3.39 GB
  Used RAM: 7.23 GB
  Cached files: 5.38 GB

  Available RAM: 8.77 GB
  Swap Used: 0 B

Software Installs (past 60 days):
  Install Date Name (Version)
  2023-07-19 macOS 13.4.1 (13.4.1)
  2023-07-20 XProtectPlistConfigData (2169)
  2023-07-20 MRTConfigData (1.93)
  2023-07-20 Endel (4.31.12)
  2023-07-21 XProtectPayloads (105)
  2023-07-23 WhatsApp (2.2327.4)
  2023-07-23 Telegram (9.7)
  2023-07-23 RosettaUpdateAuto (
  2023-07-23 Craft (2.5.9)
  2023-07-23 macOS Rapid Security Response 13.4.1 (c) (13.4.1 (c))

Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
  2023-07-26 10:41:04 Kernel Panic (2 times)
      panic(cpu 2 caller 0xfffffe0017d02a18): Kernel data abort. at pc 0xfff
      ffe0017bcfe38, lr 0xfffffe0017bcfe2c (saved state: 0xfffffe1006636e40)
      Panicked task 0xfffffe21f5a35e38: 0 pages, 467 threads: pid 0: kernel_

  2023-07-24 09:07:49 signpost_reporter High CPU Use (3 times)
    Executable: /usr/libexec/signpost_reporter

  2023-07-23 18:18:10 High CPU Use (8 times)
    Executable: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/W**************k/V******s/A/X*********s/c*****************************c/C******s/M***S/c*************************t

  2023-07-23 07:50:31 Crash

  2023-07-22 19:06:57 Nova Crash
      libsystem_c.dylib: abort() called

End of report
Der volle Panic Report könnte helfen.
Data Abort ist aber kein häufiger Grund.
Vielleicht Hardware?

Mach vielleicht erstmal das 13.5 Update und guck, ob es nochmals auftritt.
Der volle Panic Report könnte helfen.
Data Abort ist aber kein häufiger Grund.
Vielleicht Hardware?

Mach vielleicht erstmal das 13.5 Update und guck, ob es nochmals auftritt.
Mach ich mal, danke.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass das vielleicht auch an meinem angeschlossenen Bildschirm liegen könnte.
Bisher ist kein Kernel Panic mehr passiert. Vielleicht war's einfach ein Random Fehler.. ?
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