Keine Gerüchte mehr von MacBidouille


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Schockschwerenot! Ein harter Schlag für alle Gerüchteköche:

MacBidouille will keine Gerüchte mehr in die Welt setzen! Dies geht aus einer auf ihrer Internetseite veröffentlichten Erklärung hervor. MacBidouille hat die Gerüchtegemeinde über lange Zeit hinweg immer wieder mit Zündstoff versorgt und das ein oder andere Wahre prophezeit sowie mit heiteren Fehlprognosen Lächeln in der Mac-Fangemeinde gezaubert und waren so immer wieder mal einen Besuch wert.
Zur einfachen Lesbarkeit ohne Zitatrahmen hier die Erklärung:

"After a long discussion, we decided we wouldn't be publishing any more rumour about Apple and their products.
There are many, complex reasons to do so, of which we'd like to let you know a bit.

- With the latest successes met in pre-announcing products, Macbidouille has become a rumor dedicated site to many people. This is not our aim, as those who've known us for long already know. It takes seconds to publish a rumour, while we often need days to write an article, create a soft or a patch.

- Rumour doesn't bring us much but trouble. When it is true, Apple will be anrgry at us ; when it is wrong, both Apple and our readers will... And troubles keep us from our main goal which is helping our readers.

- Apple, as you know, cannot stand rumours. During the last months our relationshiops have become quite tense. This situation is difficult for us as Macbidouille is Mac, and thus Apple, dedicated. Tension arose so that we'd eventually be disturbed in our work as journalists, as it is difficult to write of a product when you're not invited to its showing, or to have informations when an employee is afraid he could be seen with you.

As there are many rumour sites around the Web, you won't feel frustrated. We might even at times quote the most interesting of them, yet we will not publish any more exclusive rumours about Apple. As we have showed everyone we could do that as well as sites dedicated to rumour items, we feel we have little left to prove us, or you, on the matter.
As for what's left, our editorial line shall remain the same : enthusiasm for what's good, critical on the rest.

Thank you for your comprehension.

For the team.

Über MacBidouille kann man denken, was man will - mir werden ihre Gerüchte fehlen.

mir werden sie auch fehlen...

naja die beziehungen zu Apple wurden scheinbar immer schlechter...

egal dann gibts halt gerüchte von anderen seiten...


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