iPhoto Buddy: Passwort vergessen


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Weiß jemand was man machen kann um eine versperrte iPhoto-Buddy-Bibliothek zu öffnen? Hab mein Passwort lange nicht mehr gebraucht und so vergessen (das kommt davon wenn man sich sooo tolle ausdenkt...)

Es geht um iPhoto Buddy 1.2.1

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir wer helfen könnte!

Hab's gefunden (dank eines guten iPhoto-Buddy-Supports):
Laut "Manual" geht das so:

I forgot my Library Password. Now what do I do?
If you forget a Library password, you must use the special procedure outlined below to delete the Library from the Library List and then re-add it, optionally assigning it anew password.To delete a password protected Library for which you have forgotten your password, select the Library in the Library List and choose “Remove Password” from the“Passwords” menu. iPhoto Buddy will prompt you to enter the correct password.Hold down the Command, Control, and Option keys simultaneously to reveal the“I Forgot My Password” button and click it.
iPhoto Buddy will delete Library from the Library List. You can then re-add it to the List and optionally assign it a new password.

Das war's.
LG, Behruz
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