Geekbench - plattformübergreifender Benchmark


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Geekbench Benchmarks

Geekbench uses a number of different benchmarks to measure system performance. Here’s a brief description of each benchmark included in Geekbench, along with what it does.

CPU Integer Performace

- Emulate 6502 executes code compiled for the 6502 in a virtual processor.
- Blowfish encrypts and decrypts chunks of memory using the Blowfish algorithm.
- bzip2 Compress compresses chunks of memory with libbzip2.
- bzip2 Decompress decompresses previously-compressed chunks of memory with libbzip2.

CPU Floating Point Performance

- Mandelbrot computes a Mandelbrot set without using the square root function.

Memory Performance

- Read Sequential measures memory bandwith by loading values from memory into registers.
- Write Sequential measures memory bandwidth by writing values to memory from registers.
- Stdlib Allocate measures standard library performance by allocating and deallocation chunks of memory.
- Stdlib Write measures standard library memory performance by data to chunks of memory.
- Stdlib Copy measures standard library memory performance by copy data from one chunk of memory to another.

Stream Performance

- Stream benchmarks measure floating point and memory performance by reading, writing, and performing floating-point operations on values stored in memory.

.... dann mal her mit euren Ergebnissen
System Information
OS: Version 10.4.5 (Build 8H14)
Model: PowerBook6,4
Motherboard: PowerBook6,4
CPU: PowerPC G4 (7450)
CPU ID: 18, 11
CPU Count (Physical): 1
CPU Count (Logical): 1
CPU Frequency: 1333 MHz
Bus Frequency: 166 MHz
Memory: 1280 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 70 (1 thread, 126 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 70 (4 threads, 129.1 megahertz)
Blowfish 197 (1 thread, 272 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 173 (4 threads, 262.4 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 69 (1 thread, 12.49 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 71 (4 threads, 13.32 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 68 (1 thread, 28.29 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 64 (4 threads, 27.39 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 63 (1 thread, 429.7 megaflops)
Mandelbrot 62 (4 threads, 436.6 megaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 58 (1 thread, 178.4 nanoseconds/load)
Read Sequential 45 (1 thread, 336.7 megabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 92 (1 thread, 543.3 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 157 (1 thread, 122.4 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 157 (4 threads, 123.8 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 32 (1 thread, 527.8 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 47 (1 thread, 366.8 megabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 35 (1 thread, 493.2 megabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 34 (1 thread, 482.5 megabytes/sec)
Stream Add 20 (1 thread, 287.1 megabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 19 (1 thread, 273.9 megabytes/sec)
System Information
OS: Version 10.3.9 (Build 7W98)
Model: PowerBook5,6
Motherboard: PowerBook5,6
CPU: PowerPC G4 (7450)
CPU ID: 18, 11
CPU Count (Physical): 1
CPU Count (Logical): 1
CPU Frequency: 1499 MHz
Bus Frequency: 166 MHz
Memory: 1024 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 78 (1 thread, 139.1 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 78 (4 threads, 144 megahertz)
Blowfish 210 (1 thread, 289 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 205 (4 threads, 311.8 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 87 (1 thread, 15.73 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 83 (4 threads, 15.47 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 74 (1 thread, 30.87 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 72 (4 threads, 30.7 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 71 (1 thread, 482.2 megaflops)
Mandelbrot 70 (4 threads, 490 megaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 92 (1 thread, 113.4 nanoseconds/load)
Read Sequential 48 (1 thread, 362 megabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 100 (1 thread, 592.3 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 172 (1 thread, 134.8 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 174 (4 threads, 136.7 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 34 (1 thread, 558.6 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 43 (1 thread, 334.6 megabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 31 (1 thread, 436 megabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 30 (1 thread, 428.2 megabytes/sec)
Stream Add 20 (1 thread, 290.7 megabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 21 (1 thread, 303.9 megabytes/sec)

PS: ein Kumpel von mir ist aus Olbernhau, seine Eltern haben nen Spielzeugladen :)
In Olbernhau habe ich, als ich ca. 11 Jahre alt war, mal Ferienlager gemacht. Wunderschön dort. Das ist eine meiner coolsten Erinnerungen. Heute bin ich 28 Jahre alt, ist also 17 Jahre her. :D

dasich schrieb:
In Olbernhau habe ich, als ich ca. 11 Jahre alt war, mal Ferienlager gemacht. Wunderschön dort. Das ist eine meiner coolsten Erinnerungen. Heute bin ich 28 Jahre alt, ist also 17 Jahre her. :D


wow, kennen ja echt viele meine Heimatstadt :D Aber nun zurück zum Benchmark :D
Wintel auch erlaubt?

Geekbench Information
Version: Geekbench Preview 2 (r71)
Compiler: Visual C++ 1400

System Information
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Motherboard: DFI Corp,LTD LP NF4 Series
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3700+
CPU ID: Family 15 Model 39 Stepping 1
CPU Count (Physical): 1
CPU Count (Logical): 1
CPU Frequency: 2606 MHz
Bus Frequency: 0 MHz
Memory: 1023 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 147 (1 thread, 261.6 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 116 (4 threads, 212 megahertz)
Blowfish 52 (1 thread, 71.7 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 47 (4 threads, 71.74 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 217 (1 thread, 38.96 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 214 (4 threads, 39.87 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 200 (1 thread, 83.5 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 196 (4 threads, 83.31 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 183 (1 thread, 1.23 gigaflops)
Mandelbrot 177 (4 threads, 1.239 gigaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 834 (1 thread, 12.55 nanoseconds/loa
Read Sequential 402 (1 thread, 2.924 gigabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 337 (1 thread, 1.942 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 3591 (1 thread, 2.798 megaallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 3672 (4 threads, 2.878 megaallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 134 (1 thread, 2.12 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 158 (1 thread, 1.186 gigabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 191 (1 thread, 2.606 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 191 (1 thread, 2.609 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Add 188 (1 thread, 2.6 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 184 (1 thread, 2.592 gigabytes/sec)
Die Powerbooks schneiden aber schlecht ab, die scheinen ja ganz schön lahm zu sein.
Morgen bekomme ich auch eines, ein 15" 1,5 GHz 4 Monate alt und wenn ich das hier lese, wird es mir ja ganz anders. :confused:

die stream und memory-perform,ance kann man nicht zum athlon64 vergleichen, da der einen integrierten memorycontroller hat, da dürfte dasich sien core dou auch nicht heranreichen. Interessant ist aber, das bei blowfish der g4 fast 4x so schnell ist wie der athlon64.

System Information
OS: Version 10.4.5 (Build 8H14)
Model: PowerMac12,1
Motherboard: PowerMac12,1
CPU: PowerPC G5 (970)
CPU ID: 18, 100
CPU Count (Physical): 1
CPU Count (Logical): 1
CPU Frequency: 2100 MHz
Bus Frequency: 700 MHz
Memory: 1536 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 120 (1 thread, 214.4 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 128 (4 threads, 234.6 megahertz)
Blowfish 98 (1 thread, 135.7 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 129 (4 threads, 196.8 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 120 (1 thread, 21.55 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 112 (4 threads, 20.95 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 144 (1 thread, 60.11 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 114 (4 threads, 48.49 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 124 (1 thread, 835.9 megaflops)
Mandelbrot 119 (4 threads, 836.1 megaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 151 (1 thread, 69.12 nanoseconds/load)
Read Sequential 179 (1 thread, 1.303 gigabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 128 (1 thread, 755.3 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 124 (1 thread, 96.64 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 107 (4 threads, 84.42 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 92 (1 thread, 1.447 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 101 (1 thread, 778.7 megabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 101 (1 thread, 1.384 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 103 (1 thread, 1.411 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Add 112 (1 thread, 1.545 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 109 (1 thread, 1.534 gigabytes/sec)
System Information
OS: Version 10.4.5 (Build 8H14)
Model: PowerMac7,3
Motherboard: PowerMac7,3
CPU: PowerPC G5 (970)
CPU ID: 18, 100
CPU Count (Physical): 2
CPU Count (Logical): 2
CPU Frequency: 1800 MHz
Bus Frequency: 900 MHz
Memory: 1024 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 120 (1 thread, 214.9 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 229 (4 threads, 419.5 megahertz)
Blowfish 125 (1 thread, 172.5 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 215 (4 threads, 327.1 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 95 (1 thread, 17.18 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 174 (4 threads, 32.37 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 104 (1 thread, 43.53 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 189 (4 threads, 80.36 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 118 (1 thread, 793.1 megaflops)
Mandelbrot 217 (4 threads, 1.522 gigaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 185 (1 thread, 56.48 nanoseconds/load)
Read Sequential 193 (1 thread, 1.409 gigabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 164 (1 thread, 970.7 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 104 (1 thread, 81.57 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 109 (4 threads, 85.49 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 110 (1 thread, 1.735 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 62 (1 thread, 480 megabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 120 (1 thread, 1.642 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 121 (1 thread, 1.647 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Add 124 (1 thread, 1.721 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 121 (1 thread, 1.706 gigabytes/sec)
phonaut schrieb:
die stream und memory-perform,ance kann man nicht zum athlon64 vergleichen, da der einen integrierten memorycontroller hat, da dürfte dasich sien core dou auch nicht heranreichen. Interessant ist aber, das bei blowfish der g4 fast 4x so schnell ist wie der athlon64.


Blowfish? Ich lese hier gar kein Posting von Blowfish.

Aber die Powerbooks....also ich weiß echt nicht.

wenn ich nur wüsste, wie die in der Performance sind...

dasich schrieb:
Blowfish? Ich lese hier gar kein Posting von Blowfish.
Aber die Powerbooks....also ich weiß echt nicht.
wenn ich nur wüsste, wie die in der Performance sind...

Blowfish ist einer der durchlaufenden Tests.

Und keine Sorge, mit einem Powerbook machste nichts falsch ;)
dehose schrieb:
Blowfish ist einer der durchlaufenden Tests.

Und keine Sorge, mit einem Powerbook machste nichts falsch ;)

Das hoffe ich, ich werde dafür meinen Intel iMac wieder hergeben. Kaufe mir dann einen, wenn das Geld wieder da ist, muss im Moment mobil sein und ließ mir sagen, dass die Powerbooks nicht schlecht seien. Hatte vor dem Intelmac einen 1,6 Ghz G5 iMac und man sagte, dass ein 1,6 GHz PB nur seeehr wenig langsamer ist, als dieser iMac. Deswegen bin ich ein weinig erschüttert. Möchte schon trotzdem in angemessener Perormance arbeiten können.

System Information
OS: Version 10.4.5 (Build 8H14)
Model: PowerMac12,1
Motherboard: PowerMac12,1
CPU: PowerPC G5 (970)
CPU ID: 18, 100
CPU Count (Physical): 1
CPU Count (Logical): 1
CPU Frequency: 2100 MHz
Bus Frequency: 700 MHz
Memory: 1536 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 135 (1 thread, 240.9 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 138 (4 threads, 253.3 megahertz)
Blowfish 151 (1 thread, 207.6 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 131 (4 threads, 199.5 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 110 (1 thread, 19.73 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 109 (4 threads, 20.36 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 125 (1 thread, 52.15 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 123 (4 threads, 52.51 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 135 (1 thread, 907.7 megaflops)
Mandelbrot 131 (4 threads, 919.2 megaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 175 (1 thread, 59.64 nanoseconds/load)
Read Sequential 218 (1 thread, 1.589 gigabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 141 (1 thread, 833.6 megabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 132 (1 thread, 103.3 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 130 (4 threads, 102.2 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 98 (1 thread, 1.553 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 122 (1 thread, 938.3 megabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 118 (1 thread, 1.613 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 117 (1 thread, 1.594 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Add 123 (1 thread, 1.7 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 122 (1 thread, 1.715 gigabytes/sec)
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