firmware iphone defekt itunes


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Hab sowohl beim 2g als auch beim 3g das Problem das wenn ich updaten will auf 2.0.1 iTunes nach dem download der FW sagt das diese beschädigt sei.
Das 2g war vorher gepwnd das 3g nicht. Auf die 2.0.1 konnte ich das 2g wiederherstellen beim 3g will ich das allerdings nicht machen
06.08.08 18:42:21 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:42:22 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:42:24 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:09 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:13 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:18 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:18 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:20 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:21 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 18:48:21 /Applications/[271] LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
06.08.08 20:23:30 [0x0-0x3f03f][291] MobileDevice: AMDeviceCopyValue: There was an error getting the value from lockdown
06.08.08 21:45:03 [0x0-0x3f03f][291] Child: Can't read length for data
06.08.08 21:45:03 [0x0-0x3f03f][291] Child: NULL command dict read, exiting...
06.08.08 21:45:03 [0x0-0x3f03f][291] Child with pid 292 exited normally
06.08.08 21:45:09 [0x0-0x5d05d][399] MobileDevice: AMDeviceCopyValue: There was an error getting the value from lockdown
06.08.08 21:59:21 [0x0-0x5d05d][399] 2008-08-06 21:59:21.822 AppleMobileDeviceHelper[400:807] exception while performing selector allClients on server: NSInvalidSendPortException [NSMachPort sendBeforeDate:] destination port invalid
06.08.08 21:59:22 [0x0-0x5d05d][399] MobileDevice: AMDeviceCopyValue: There was an error getting the value from lockdown
06.08.08 21:59:34 [0x0-0x5d05d][399] MobileDevice: receive_message: Could not receive size of message: 0 Unknown error: 0
06.08.08 21:59:34 [0x0-0x5d05d][399] MobileDevice: _read_callback: Could not receive message
06.08.08 22:00:08 [0x0-0x5d05d][399] MobileDevice: AMDeviceCopyValue: There was an error getting the value from lockdown

liegt wohl am itunes

was kann ich tun?
Last login: Wed Aug 6 19:15:52 on console
/Applications/ ; exit;
dj-s-iMac:~ ragingbull$ /Applications/ ; exit;
MobileDevice: AMDeviceCopyValue: There was an error getting the value from lockdown


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