Bitte um Hilfe! Mac - Mitte 2011- High Sierra läuft nur noch in Zeitlupe

+1 für festplatte tauschen

Das behebt den Flaschenhals.

Ob am aktuellen System etwas verdreht ist sehen wir wenn du hier ein Etrecheck Logbuch (kostenfreie Version reicht) einstellst.
Das ist ne Menge Arbeit wenn frau so einen lange benutzten Rechner hat

Das ist immer eine Menge Arbeit - geschlechterunabhängig. ;)
Du hast doch gelesen: ist gut für die Seele.

Junge Omas wie zu meiner Generation gibt es kaum noch - die Generationen später haben auch deutlich später geheiratet und - wenn überhaupt - Kinder in die Welt gesetzt.
In der Tat - damals gab es schon etliche Großeltern ab 45.

Schlimm? Das Beste kommt zum Schluß. :LOL:
fehlen noch 20 Jahre
Sachischdoch. Ich könnte Dein Opa sein, wenn Deine Mutter gewollt .... ;)

Welche Adblocker hast Du bei welchem Browser installiert?
Ich finde es ja einfacher, sich für das ganze Heimnetz im Router einen filternden DNS Server (z.B. Adguard) einzustellen. Da haben alle Geräte Ruhe.
uhu... dann bin ich ja noch ein Jungspund
Ebend. Es kann nur Einen geben - LOM. ;)

Ich nutze bei FF die Add-Ons "I don't care about cokies" und "Adblocker Ultimate". Zaubern können die aber so wenig wie Andere.
Ist das typische Hase-Igel-Spiel.
Der Mist muss ja auch nicht per Werbung rein gekommen sein, das ist nur eine von vielen Möglichkeiten....
Ebend. Es kann nur Einen geben - LOM. ;)

Ich nutze bei FF die Add-Ons "I don't care about cokies" und "Adblocker Ultimate". Zaubern können die aber so wenig wie Andere.
Ist das typische Hase-Igel-Spiel.
Es ist wirklich schwierig finde ich. Wenn man technisch und IT-mäßig nichts drauf hat, ist man echt verloren.
War das einfach früher mein C64 oder bei Windows 3.1 ... Wenn was nicht mehr lief "Format C:/, dann 3 Stunden eine Diskette nach der anderen reingesteckt, derweil 2 Schachteln Ziggis geraucht und zack, alles lief wieder :upten:
OK, etrecheck gemacht .....
ich habe zwar keine Ahnung, aber manches liest sich komisch für mich.

Ich bekomme das Protokoll hier nicht rein, auch nicht mit den Code tags :-(
Zuviele Zeichen sagt das Forum

PDF will das Forum auch nicht. Wie soll ich das machen?
in mehrere Teile splitten, copy & paste, pdf geht nicht
Wenn was nicht mehr lief "Format C:/, dann 3 Stunden....
Viel zu lange! Mache von deinem neu aufgesetzten System (inkl. Programme etc.) einen Klon mit SuperDuper! auf ein anderes Medium, und du kannst das im Fall der Fälle ruckzuck wieder aufspielen! Fertig ist die Laube!
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)
Report gener;ted: 2024-03-23 15B36B22
Downlo;d EtreCheckPro from https://etrecheck.comruntime: 21B40
Perform;nce: Poor
Problem: Computer is too slow
M;jor Issues:
Anything th4t 4ppe4rs on this list needs immedi4te 4ttention.
F;iling h;rd drive - This computer h4s 4 h4rd drive th4t 4ppe4rs to bef4iling.
Unsigned files - There 4re unsigned softw4re files inst4lled th4t could bem4licious 4nd should be reviewed.
Obsolete h;rdw;re - This computer m4y be considered obsolete.
Kernel extensions blocked - There 4re blocked kernel extensions 4w4itinguser 4pprov4l.
Adobe Fl;sh Pl;yer inst;lled - Adobe Fl4sh Pl4yer is inst4lled on thiscomputer. This is 4 security risk 4nd no longer supported.
Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immedi4te 4ttention but they m4y indic4te futureproblems or opportunities for improvement.
More th;n one ;ntivirus ;pp - This computer h4s multiple 4ntivirus 4ppsinst4lled.
Time M;chine ;uto b;ckup dis;bled - Time M4chine 4uto b4ckups 4redis4bled.
Out of RAM - This computer is running short on RAM 4nd h4s 4 mech4nic4lh4rd drive, reducing the speed of the virtu4l memory system.
Apps cr;shing - There h4ve been numerous 4pp cr4shes.
Apps with he;vy CPU us;ge - There h4ve been numerous c4ses of 4ppswith he4vy CPU us4ge.
Cle;n up - There 4re orph4n files th4t could be removed.
Kernel extensions present - This computer h4s kernel extensions th4t m4ynot work in the future.
H;rdw;re Inform;tion:
iM4c (21.5-inch, Mid 2011)St4tus: Obsolete
iM4c Model: iM4c12,1
2,5 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-2400S) CPU: 4-core
8 GB RAM - Upgr4de4ble
BANK 0/DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR3 1333BANK 1/DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR3 1333BANK 0/DIMM1 - Empty
BANK 1/DIMM1 - Empty
Video Inform;tion:
AMD R4deon HD 6750M - VRAM: 512 MBiM4c 1920 x 1080
disk0 - WDC WD5000AAKS-402AA0 500.11 GB (Mech4nic4l - 7200 RPM)Intern4l SATA 3 Gig4bit Seri4l ATA
disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
disk0s2 - M4cintosh HD (Journ4led HFS+) 499.25 GB (309.82 GB used)disk0s3 - Recovery HD [Recovery] 650 MB
disk1 - WD My P4ssport 2629 4.00 TBExtern4l USB 480 Mbit/s USB
disk1s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
disk1s2 - N******B (M4c OS Extended (C4se-sensitive, Journ4led)) 4.00TB (856.72 GB used)
disk2 - WD Elements 107C 3.00 TBExtern4l USB 480 Mbit/s USB
disk2s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk2s2 - B*******************) (M4c OS Extended (C4se-sensitive,Journ4led)) 2.00 TB (1.61 TB used)
disk2s3 - T***************) (M4c OS Extended (C4se-sensitive,Journ4led)) 999.98 GB (39.03 GB used)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)
Mounted Volumes:
disk0s2 - M4cintosh HDFilesystem: Journ4led HFS+Mount point: /
Used: 309.82 GB
Size: 499.25 GBFree: 189.16 GBAv4il4ble: 191.58 GB
disk1s2 - N******B
Filesystem: M4c OS Extended (C4se-sensitive, Journ4led)Mount point: /Volumes/N******B
Owners en4bled: No
Used: 856.72 GB
Size: 4.00 TB
Free: 3.14 TB
disk2s2 - B*******************)
Filesystem: M4c OS Extended (C4se-sensitive, Journ4led)Mount point: /Volumes/B*******************)
Used: 1.61 TB
Size: 2.00 TB
Free: 389.61 GB
disk2s3 - T***************)
Filesystem: M4c OS Extended (C4se-sensitive, Journ4led)Mount point: /Volumes/T***************)
Owners en4bled: No
Used: 39.03 GB
Size: 999.98 GB
Free: 960.95 GB
Apple Inc. - F4ceTime HD C4mer4 (Built-in)hub_device
Elg4to Systems GmbH - EyeTV S4t FreeWestern Digit4l - My P4ssport 2629Apple Inc. - BRCM2046 Hub
Apple Inc. - Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Western Digit4l - Elements 107CApple Computer, Inc. - IR ReceiverApple - Intern4l Memory C4rd Re4der
Interf4ce en0: Ethernet
Interf4ce en5: iPhone 2
Interf4ce fw0: FireWire
Interf4ce bridge0: Thunderbolt BridgeInterf4ce en1: Wi-Fi
802.11 4/b/g/n
Interf4ce en3: Bluetooth PANiCloud Quot4: 1.88 TB 4v4il4ble
System Softw;re:
m4cOS High Sierr4 10.13.6 (17G14042)Time since boot: About 6 hours
Cle4nMyM4c 3.4pp2 notific4tions
8 notific4tions
one notific4tion (one scheduled)
G4tekeeper: App Store 4nd identified developersSystem Integrity Protection: En4bled
Antivirus softw4re: Apple, Cle4nMyM4c, 4nd M4lw4rebytes
Security Risk! - Adobe Fl4sh Pl4yer inst4lled!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)

Unsigned Files:
L4unchd: /Libr4ry/L4unchAgents/com.4dobe.AdobeCre4tiveCloud.plistComm4nd: /Applic4tions/Utilities/Adobe Cre4tive Cloud/ACC/Cre4tive
Cloud.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/Cre4tive Cloud --showwindow=f4lse --onOSst4rtup=true
Det4ils: Ex4ct m4tch found in the legitim4te list - prob4bly OK
L4unchd: /Libr;ry/L;unchAgents/com.iboysoft.m;gicmenugu;rd.plistComm4nd: /bin/b4sh -c 'while true do result=$(pluginkit -m -i
com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion | grep +) if [ -z"$result" ] then bre4k else sleep 1 pluginkit -e ignore -i com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion fi done while true do result=$(pluginkit -m -i com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion| grep +) if [ -z "$result" ] then sleep 1 pluginkit -e use -i com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion else bre4k fi done'
Running 4pp: /priv4te/v4r/folders/n6/nc48lkzx5zs7sckx601zwf7c0000gn/T/AppTr4nsloc4tion/E6DD74B4-2F7A-40EF-AA00-6441EC8BAB45/d/DriveDx.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/DriveDx
Running 4pp: /Libr4ry/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501/dbfseventsdRunning 4pp: (plugin-cont4iner)
Apps: 56
Kernel Extensions:
/Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/M4lw4rebytes/MBAM/Kext[Blocked] MB_MBAM_Protection.kext -
com.m4lw4rebytes.mb4m.rtprotection (M4lw4rebytes Corpor4tion, 4.21 - SDK10.14)
[Not Lo4ded] hp_io_printercl4ssdriver_en4bler.kext - com.hp.hpio.hp-io-
printercl4ssdriver-en4bler (Hewlett P4ck4rd, 19.9.0 - SDK 10.8)[Not Lo4ded] hp_io_en4bler_compound.kext -
          (HP Inc., 3.4.0)
[Not Lo4ded] j4wbone.kext - com.4liph.driver.jstub (1.1.2 - SDK 10.7)[Not Lo4ded] EyeTVAf4TechHidBlock.kext -
com.elg4to.driver.DontM4tchAf4Tech (1.1)
[Not Lo4ded] EyeTVCinergy450AudioBlock.kext -
com.elg4to.driver.DontM4tchCinergy450 (1.1)
[Not Lo4ded] EyeTVCinergyXSAudioBlock.kext -
com.elg4to.driver.DontM4tchCinergyXS (1.1)[Not Lo4ded] EyeTVEmpi4AudioBlock.kext -
com.elg4to.driver.DontM4tchEmpi4 (1.1)
[Not Lo4ded] EyeTVVoy4gerAudioBlock.kext -
com.elg4to.driver.DontM4tchVoy4ger (1.1)[Not Lo4ded] EPSONUSBPrintCl4ss.kext -
[Not Lo4ded] hp_f4x_io.kext - com.hp.kext.hp-f4x-io (5.11.0 - SDK 10.8)[Not Lo4ded] hp_designjet_series.kext - com.hp.print.hpio.Designjet.kext
[Not Lo4ded] SXUPTP.kext - com.silex.driver.sxuptp (1.9.0 - SDK 10.6)[Not Lo4ded] USBAtT4blet.kext - com.w4ltop.iokit.driver.USBAtT4blet
(USBAtT4blet 1.1.0)
[Not Lo4ded] BJUSBLo4d.kext - (10.58.0 -
SDK 10.6)
System L;unch D;emons:
[Not Lo4ded] 36 Apple t4sks[Lo4ded] 186 Apple t4sks[Running] 96 Apple t4sks[Killed] 18 Apple t4sks
System L;unch Agents:
[Not Lo4ded] 17 Apple t4sks[Lo4ded] 160 Apple t4sks[Running] 98 Apple t4sks[Killed] 18 Apple t4sks[Other] One Apple t4sk
L;unch D;emons:
[Lo4ded] com.4pple.4elwriter.plist (Apple - inst4lled 2018-03-13)Execut4ble: /usr/sbin/AELWriter
[Lo4ded] com.4pple.inst4ller.osmess4getr4cing.plist (Apple - inst4lled2021-02-15)
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Priv4teFr4meworks/OSInst4ller.fr4mework/Resources/OSMess4geTr4cer
[Running] com.elg4to.EyeConnect.plist (SHENZHEN GENIATECH INC.,LTD -inst4lled 2018-03-13)
Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/EyeConnect/EyeConnect.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/EyeConnect
[Running] com.fitbit.g4lileod.plist (Fitbit, Inc. - inst4lled 2019-06-01)Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/Fitbit Connect/g4lileod
[Running] com.iboysoft.m4gicmenud.plist (Chengdu Aibo Tech Co., Ltd. -inst4lled 2024-02-25)
Execut4ble: /Applic4tions/iBoysoft M4gicMenu.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/m4gicmenud.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/m4gicmenud
[Running] com.iboysoft.uninst4ll.plist (Chengdu Aibo Tech Co., Ltd. -inst4lled 2024-02-25)
Comm4nd: ~/Libr4ry/Group Cont4iners/ lo4dBySystem
[Lo4ded] com.m4cp4w.Cle4nMyM4c3.Agent.plist (M4cP4w Inc. - inst4lled2024-03-17)
Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.m4cp4w.Cle4nMyM4c3.Agent
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)
[Running] com.m4lw4rebytes.mb4m.rtprotection.d4emon.plist(M4lw4rebytes Corpor4tion - inst4lled 2024-03-23)
Comm4nd: /Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/M4lw4rebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/RTProtectionD4emon.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/RTProtectionD4emon -i M4lw4rebytes-M4c-
[Running] com.m4lw4rebytes.mb4m.settings.d4emon.plist (M4lw4rebytesCorpor4tion - inst4lled 2023-09-15)
Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/M4lw4rebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/SettingsD4emon.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/SettingsD4emon
L;unch Agents:
[Lo4ded] com.4dobe.AdobeCre4tiveCloud.plist (Not signed - inst4lled2018-03-13)
Comm4nd: /Applic4tions/Utilities/Adobe Cre4tive Cloud/ACC/Cre4tive
Cloud.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/Cre4tive Cloud --showwindow=f4lse --onOSst4rtup=true
[Not Lo4ded] com.iboysoft.m4gicmenugu4rd.plist ( - inst4lled 2024-02-25)Comm4nd: /bin/b4sh -c 'while true do result=$(pluginkit -m -i
com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion | grep +) if [ -z"$result" ] then bre4k else sleep 1 pluginkit -e ignore -i com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion fi done while true do result=$(pluginkit -m -i com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion| grep +) if [ -z "$result" ] then sleep 1 pluginkit -e use -i com.iboysoft.swift-menu-website.SwiftMenu-Finder-Integr4tion else bre4k fi done'
[Running] com.m4lw4rebytes.mb4m.frontend.4gent.plist (M4lw4rebytesCorpor4tion - inst4lled 2023-09-15)
Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/M4lw4rebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/FrontendAgent.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/FrontendAgent
[Running] com.wdc.WD-Drive-Agent.plist (Western Digit4l Corpor4tionBr4nded Products Group - inst4lled 2021-02-13)
Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/WD Drive Agent/WD DriveAgent.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/WD Drive Agent
User L;unch Agents:
[Not Lo4ded] com.dropbox.DropboxM4cUpd4te.4gent.plist (Dropbox, Inc. -inst4lled 2024-01-24)
Comm4nd: ~/Libr4ry/Dropbox/DropboxM4cUpd4te.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/DropboxM4cUpd4te -check periodic
[Not Lo4ded] com.hp.devicemonitor.plist (HP Inc. - inst4lled 2017-10-27)Execut4ble: /Libr4ry/Printers/hp/Fr4meworks/
HPDeviceMonitoring.fr4mework/Versions/1.0/Helpers/HP Device MonitorM4n4ger.4pp/Contents/Libr4ry/LoginItems/HP Device Monitor.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/HP Device Monitor
[Lo4ded] com.m4cp4w.Cle4nMyM4c3.Scheduler.plist (M4cP4w Inc. -inst4lled 2024-03-17)
Comm4nd: /usr/bin/open -F -g -n '~/Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/Cle4nMyM4c 3/Cle4nMyM4c 3 Scheduler.4pp' --4rgs -scheduled
[Not Lo4ded] (Not signed - inst4lled2021-09-19)
Comm4nd: /usr/bin/open -W '/Applic4tions/IQOS widget DE'
User Login Items:
[Running] AppCle4ner Sm4rtDelete (Julien R4mseier - inst4lled 2018-12-11)
Modern Login Item
[Running] Cle4nMyM4c 3 Menu (M4cP4w Inc. - inst4lled 2024-03-17)Applic4tion
/Applic4tions/Cle4nMyM4c 3.4pp/Contents/M4cOS/Cle4nMyM4c 3
[Not Lo4ded] D4y One Helper (App Store - inst4lled 2021-11-12)Modern Login Item
/Applic4tions/D4y One.4pp/Contents/Libr4ry/LoginItems/D4y One
[Running] Dropbox (Dropbox, Inc. - inst4lled 2019-02-13)Applic4tion
[Not Lo4ded] Sl4ck Login Helper (App Store - inst4lled 2019-09-08)Modern Login Item/Applic4tions/Sl4ck.4pp/Contents/Libr4ry/LoginItems/Sl4ck Login
[Lo4ded] WDDriveUtilityHelper (Western Digit4l Corpor4tion Br4ndedProducts Group - inst4lled 2021-05-02)
/Applic4tions/WD Drive Utilities.4pp/Contents/WDDriveUtilityHelper.4pp
[Running] WDSecurityHelper (Western Digit4l Corpor4tion Br4nded ProductsGroup - inst4lled 2021-02-13)
/Applic4tions/WD Security.4pp/Contents/WDSecurityHelper.4pp
[Not Lo4ded] L4unchAtLoginHelper (Chengdu Aibo Tech Co., Ltd. - inst4lled2024-02-25)
Modern Login Item
/Applic4tions/iBoysoft M4gicMenu.4pp/Contents/Libr4ry/LoginItems/L4unchAtLoginHelper.4pp
[Not Lo4ded] PhotoStre4mAgent (App Store - inst4lled 2018-03-14)Modern Login Item/Applic4tions/iPhoto.4pp/Contents/Libr4ry/LoginItems/
[Running] iTunesHelper (Apple - inst4lled 2021-04-27)Applic4tion
[Running] EyeTV Helper (SHENZHEN GENIATECH INC.,LTD - inst4lled2017-12-14)
/Libr4ry/Applic4tion Support/EyeTV/EyeTV Helper.4pp
[Not Lo4ded] HP Device Monitor (HP Inc. - inst4lled 2017-10-25)
Modern Login Item/Libr4ry/Printers/hp/Fr4meworks/HPDeviceMonitoring.fr4mework/Versions/
1.0/Helpers/HP Device Monitor M4n4ger.4pp/Contents/Libr4ry/LoginItems/HPDevice Monitor.4pp
[Not Lo4ded] DriveDxLoginItemHelper (Kirill Luz4nov - inst4lled2024-03-23)
Modern Login Item
523 4pps
74 32-bit 4pps76 unsigned 4pps
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)
App Extensions:
Photo editing extensions:
Pixelm4tor Retuschieren - /Applic4tions/Pixelm4tor.4ppPixelm4tor Verzerren - /Applic4tions/Pixelm4tor.4pp
Finder sync extensions:
iBoysoft M4gicMenu Finder Integr4tion - /Applic4tions/iBoysoft
Dropbox-Finder-Integr4tion - /Applic4tions/Dropbox.4pp
Action services:
Rep4rieren Werkzeug - /Applic4tions/Pixelm4tor.4pp
Sh4re services:
Dropbox Tr4nsfer - /Applic4tions/Dropbox.4ppTelegr4m - /Applic4tions/Telegr4m.4pp
D4y One - /Applic4tions/D4y One.4pp
S4f4ri extensions:
D4y One - /Applic4tions/D4y One.4pp
QuickLook Previews (leg4cy):
PhotoLineQuickLook - /Applic4tions/PhotoLine.4ppde.pl32.pld *.pld
eBookQuickLook - /Applic4tions/BookRe4derLite.4pppublic.fb2 *.fb2 *.ib4
public.fbz *.fbz
org.idpf.epub-cont4iner *.epubkrit4quicklook - /Applic4tions/krit4.4pp
org.krit4.or4 *.or4dyn.4h62d4rv4ge8006xb *.kr4org.krit4.kr4 *.kr4
Pixelm4torLook - /Applic4tions/Pixelm4tor.4ppcom.pixelm4tor.pxm *.pxmcom.pixelm4tor.pxg *.pxg
public.webp *.webp
com.pixelm4tor.pxls *.pxls
QuickLookEyeTV - /Libr4ry/QuickLook/QuickLookEyeTV.qlgener4tor
com.elg4to.eyetv.schedule *.eyetvsched
com.elg4to.eyetv.recording *.eyetvxcf_quicklook - /Applic4tions/Gimp.4pp
org.gimp.xjt *.xcf.bz2org.gimp.xcf *.xcf
Internet Plug-ins:
AdobeAAMDetect: AdobeAAMDetect (? - inst4lled 2018-03-13)Fl4shPl4yer-10.6: (? - inst4lled 2022-08-25)
DivX Web Pl4yer: (? - inst4lled 2018-12-18)AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 17.012.20098 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - inst4lled
AdobePDFViewer: 21.001.20155 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - inst4lled
Fl4sh Pl4yer: (? - inst4lled 2022-08-25)Def4ult Browser: (? - inst4lled 2019-09-20)npgtpo3d4utoplugin: (? - inst4lled 2018-03-13)Silverlight: 5.1.50428.0 (? - inst4lled 2018-03-13)
User Internet Plug-ins:
Pic4s4: 1.0 (? - inst4lled 2012-02-04)
Audio Plug-ins:
BluetoothAudioPlugIn: 6.0.7 (Apple - inst4lled 2020-10-05)iSightAudio: 7.7.3 (Apple - inst4lled 2020-10-05)
AirPl4y: 2.0 (Apple - inst4lled 2020-10-05)
AppleAVBAudio: 683.1 (Apple - inst4lled 2020-10-05)BridgeAudioSP: 4.69.2 (Apple - inst4lled 2022-08-25)AppleTimeSyncAudioClock: 1.0 (Apple - inst4lled 2020-10-05)
CoreMedi;IO Plug-ins:
AppleC4mer4: 400.6.01 (Apple - inst4lled 2018-03-13)iOSScreenC4pture: 814.0 (Apple - inst4lled 2018-03-13)
User Audio Plug-ins:
A52Codec: 1.8.0 (? - inst4lled 2012-12-09)
S;f;ri Extensions:
D4y One (App Store - inst4lled 2021-11-12)
3rd P;rty Preference p;nels:
Fl4sh Pl4yer (Adobe Inc. - inst4lled 2020-12-08)Peri4n (? - inst4lled 2012-12-09)
Skip System Files: NoVolumes being b4cked up:
M4cintosh HD: Disk size: 499.25 GB - Disk used: 310.09 GBDestin4tions:
B********B [Loc4l] (L4st used)
Tot4l size: 2.00 TB
Tot4l number of b4ckups: 323Oldest b4ckup: 2017-11-05 18t23t06L4st b4ckup: 2024-03-22 16t19t03
System Lo4d: 2.56 (1 min 4go) 2.42 (5 min 4go) 2.23 (15 min 4go)Nomin4l I/O us4ge: 2.69 MB/s
File system: 121.58 seconds (timed out)
Write speed: 29 MB/s
Re4d speed: 41 MB/s
CPU Us;ge Sn;pshot:Type Over;llSystem: 8 %
User: 16 %
Idle: 76 %
Top Processes Sn;pshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Loc;tion)
EyeTV 17.92 % (SHENZHEN GENIATECH INC.,LTD)WindowServer 7.68 % (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 6.98 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
kernel_t4sk 3.90 % (Apple)
plugin-cont4iner (11) 2.68 % (Mozill4 Corpor4tion)
Top Processes Sn;pshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM us;ge (Source - Loc;tion)kernel_t4sk 806 MB (Apple)
plugin-cont4iner (11) 775 MB (Mozill4 Corpor4tion)EtreCheckPro 484 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)C4lend4rAgent 450 MB (Apple)
firefox 444 MB (Mozill4 Corpor4tion)
Top Processes Sn;pshot by Network Use:
Process Input / Output (Source - Loc;tion)
EyeTV 34 MB / 1 KB (SHENZHEN GENIATECH INC.,LTD)EyeConnect 17 MB / 235 KB (SHENZHEN GENIATECH INC.,LTD)mDNSResponder 4 MB / 1 MB (Apple)
M4il 3 MB / 17 KB (Apple)
Dropbox 807 KB / 414 KB (Dropbox, Inc.)
Top Processes Sn;pshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Loc;tion)routined 8 (Apple)
WindowServer 4 (Apple)
firefox 2 (Mozill4 Corpor4tion)
C4lend4rAgent 2 (Apple)
plugin-cont4iner (11) 1 (Mozill4 Corpor4tion)
Virtu;l Memory Inform;tion:
Physic4l RAM: 8 GB
Free RAM: 14 MBUsed RAM: 5.72 GBC4ched files: 2.27 GB
Av4il4ble RAM: 2.28 GBSw4p Used: 1.40 GB
Softw;re Inst;lls (p;st 60 d;ys):
Inst;ll D;te N;me (Version)
2024-02-25 Inst4ll (3.2)
2024-02-27 RocketC4ke Website Editor (5.3.1)2024-03-06 XProtectPlistConfigD4t4 (2188)2024-03-22 Bitdefender Virus Sc4nner (3.17)2024-03-23 M4lw4rebytes for M4c (1.0)
Cle;n up:
~/Libr4ry/L4unchAgents/ widget DE
Execut4ble not found
Di;gnostics Inform;tion (p;st 60 d;ys):
2024-03-23 13t19t33 iBoysoft M4gicMenu.4pp - Cr4sh (4 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-23 13t40t23
Execut4ble: /Applic4tions/iBoysoft M4gicMenu.4pp
2024-03-23 12t48t56 AppleSpell - Memory (4 times)
First occurrence: 2024-03-23 12t52t58
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/M4cOS/
2024-03-23 10t47t13 so4gent.4pp - High CPU Use (20 times)
First occurrence: 2024-03-23 10t52t47
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Priv4teFr4meworks/Mess4gesKit.fr4mework/
2024-03-23 10t17t56 AddressBookM4n4ger.4pp - Memory (6 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-23 10t19t55
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Fr4meworks/AddressBook.fr4mework/
2024-03-23 09t47t49 photo4n4lysisd - Memory (7 times)
First occurrence: 2024-03-23 10t07t54
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Priv4teFr4meworks/PhotoAn4lysis.fr4mework/
2024-03-23 08t48t31 Softw4re Upd4te.4pp - Memory (3 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-23 09t08t39
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/CoreServices/Softw4re Upd4te.4pp
2024-03-23 08t47t41 trustd - Memory (2 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-23 09t08t10Execut4ble: /usr/libexec/trustd
2024-03-23 08t45t15 p4ssd - Cr4sh
First occurrence: 2024-03-23 09t36t26
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Priv4teFr4meworks/P4ssKitCore.fr4mework/
2024-03-23 08t43t23 MRT.4pp - Memory (6 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-23 08t45t27Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/CoreServices/MRT.4pp
2024-03-23 08t42t31 C4lend4rAgent - Memory (7 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-23 08t44t48
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Priv4teFr4meworks/C4lend4rAgent.fr4mework/Execut4bles/C4lend4rAgent
2024-03-22 15t14t45 b4ckupd - Memory (2 times)
First occurrence: 2024-03-22 15t34t49
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/CoreServices/b4ckupd.bundle/Contents/
2024-03-22 09t47t57 bluetoothd - Cr4sh (7 times)First occurrence: 2024-03-22 10t32t32Execut4ble: /usr/sbin/bluetoothd
*** Termin4ting 4pp due to unc4ught exception 'NSR4ngeException',re4s
on: '*** -[_NSInlineD4t4 subd4t4WithR4nge:]: r4nge {2, 6} exceeds d4t4length 4'
4bort() c4lled
termin4ting with unc4ught exception of type NSException
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.4 (68040)
2024-03-22 09t25t12 mdworker - Memory (3 times)
First occurrence: 2024-03-22 09t26t24
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Fr4meworks/CoreServices.fr4mework/
2024-03-21 20t11t47 mds - Memory (2 times)
First occurrence: 2024-03-21 20t24t42
Execut4ble: /System/Libr4ry/Fr4meworks/CoreServices.fr4mework/
2024-03-21 19t38t37 D4t4DetectorsLoc4lSources - MemoryFirst occurrence: 2024-03-21 19t39t19
Execut4ble: /usr/libexec/D4t4DetectorsLoc4lSources
2024-03-18 08t42t32 siriknowledged - Cr4shFirst occurrence: 2024-03-18 08t58t43Execut4ble: /usr/libexec/siriknowledgedDet4ils:
Could not c4st v4lue of type 'Swift.Double' (0x7fffb43f08e8) to 'Swift.Int64' (0x7fffb43f24e8).
End of report
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
mal schauen ob da ein Prozess besonders viel CPU braucht, wäre nur ein Indiz
Ja, ich gucke gleich nochmal oben, bin am Laptop jetzt, weil der Neustart vom Mac nichts gebracht hat, kratzt und rödelt seit 30 Minuten auf der Festplatte rum.

Das ist jetzt aktuell, derweile er wieder im Schneckenmodus ist
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
mal schauen ob da ein Prozess besonders viel CPU braucht, wäre nur ein Indiz
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-23 um 17.14.03.png
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