HILFE!!! Suitcase legt den Rechner lahm?!...



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habe ein großes Problem:
Wenn ich den Mac starte (OS X 10.2.8) kommt beim Suitcase X1 die Meldung "Suitcase wird initalisiert". Dann reagiert das Programm nicht mehr. Ich muß es über den Terminal "killen". Außerdem geht dadurch kein Quark, Freehand und Illustrator mehr auf. Ich habe das Programm schon neu installiert und die Preferences gelöscht allerdings klappt es immer noch nicht...

Kennt jemend das Problem? Weiß jemand eine Lösung?


Gruß & Danke
Bei uns heute dasselbe.

OSX 10.3.5

Die gleichnamigen Preferenzen gelöscht, kein Erfolg.

Unter anderem benutzer funktionierts.

Welche benutzerspezifischen Einstellungen können das sein ?

Gruss orion
Hatte ich auch mal, es gibt eine Lösung bei extensis (funktionierte bei mir auch unter 10.3.5

article #502249:

Suitcase X1 Won't stop Initializing when I launch it.


parent product:**
Standalone or None
operating system:**
Mac OS X 10.2
problem description:

Suitcase X1 Won't stop Initializing when I launch it.

If Suitcase crashes as soon as you launch it, there's either a problem with the preferences, or some fonts installed in one of your Library folders. Here's how to fix the problem:

Go to your home folder's preferences folder (Users/yourname/Library/Preferences). Locate and delete: com.extensis.suitcase.plist

Suitcase Preferences (not Suitcase Prefs-Old)

Now see if Suitcase X1 will launch.

It could also be caused by a bad font or too many fonts in one of your Library folders.

Go to your:




Pull out any fonts that you find inside of them. You can move them to a temporary folder on your desktop for the time being.

You might also check your System Folder for OS 9. The only fonts required in its Fonts folder are:

New York
Anything else can be pulled out.

Now restart your computer. This forces OS X to acknowledge the changes you made.

See if Suitcase will launch. If it does, there was a bad font in one of the two folders mentioned above, or simply too many. If you moved fonts out of any of the above folders, do not put them back. If you wish to use these fonts with Suitcase, we recommend that you store them in a location where the MacOS won't take control of them - basically any folder outside of your Library or System folders.

Also, an ounce of prevention:

In Suitcase's Suitcase menu, open Preferences.

Note the three Scan & Repair options. We strongly recommend that you keep all three of them turned on at all times. We know that our users don't always have the healthiest fonts. These options should help keep Suitcase's preferences in good shape.

systems affected:

Suitcase X1 on Mac OS X 10.2
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