Postadresse mit Tel und Fax aus Adressbuch in Zwischenablage



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gibt es ein einfaches Script (oder wie kann ich mir das erstellen?) mit dem ich den aufgerufenen Namen im Adressbuch samt Postadresse, Tel und Fax in die Zwischenablage kopiert bekomme? Diese Info möchte ich gern für einen Brief weiterverwenden. Ähnlicher Beitrag von mir auch schon hier ( ohne Lösung für mich.

ist als solches nicht schwierig und ich habe Dir ein Beispiel runter getippselt.
Siehe unten…

Viel Spass beim weiteren Basteln :)

Viele Grüße


tell application "Contacts"
	set selectedItems to selection
	if ((count of selectedItems) is not 1) then
	end if
	set selectedItem to first item of selectedItems
	set someText to ""
	set allLines to {}
	set someText to name of selectedItem
	if (someText is not missing value) then
		copy someText to the end of allLines
	end if
	set allAddresses to address of selectedItem
	if ((count of allAddresses) > 0) then
		set firstAddress to item 1 of allAddresses
		set someText to street of firstAddress
		if (someText is not missing value) then
			copy someText to the end of allLines
		end if
		set someText to zip of firstAddress
		if (someText is not missing value) then
			copy someText to the end of allLines
		end if
		set someText to city of firstAddress
		if (someText is not missing value) then
			copy someText to the end of allLines
		end if
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
	set someText to allLines as text
end tell


if (length of someText < 1) then
end if


set the clipboard to someText

oh, ich glaube ich habe den Mund zu voll genommen. Ich komme doch noch nicht ganz alleine klar.

Ich habe jetzt versucht, das Script anzupassen, aber .... da bin ich nicht weit gekommen. Könntest du vielleicht mir zeigen, wie ich das um die Tel, Fax und Email ergänzen kann?
Siehe unten…

Mußt noch die Labels definieren, wie Du sie im Adressbuch führst.

Viele Grüße


set configuration_address_index to 1

set configuration_phone_home_label to "home"

set configuration_phone_fax_label to "fax"

set configuration_email_home_label to "home"


tell application "Contacts"
	set selectedItems to selection
	if ((count of selectedItems) is not 1) then
	end if
	set selectedItem to first item of selectedItems
	set someText to ""
	set allLines to {}
	set someText to my getNameDescriptionFromPerson(selectedItem)
	if (someText is not missing value) then
		copy someText to the end of allLines
	end if
	set someText to my getAddressAtIndexFromPerson(configuration_address_index, selectedItem)
	if (someText is not missing value) then
		copy someText to the end of allLines
	end if
	set someText to my getPhoneWithLabelFromPerson(configuration_phone_home_label, selectedItem)
	if (someText is not missing value) then
		set someText to "T: " & someText
		copy someText to the end of allLines
	end if
	set someText to my getPhoneWithLabelFromPerson(configuration_phone_fax_label, selectedItem)
	if (someText is not missing value) then
		set someText to "F: " & someText
		copy someText to the end of allLines
	end if
	set someText to my getEmailWithLabelFromPerson(configuration_email_home_label, selectedItem)
	if (someText is not missing value) then
		set someText to "E: " & someText
		copy someText to the end of allLines
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
	set someText to allLines as text
end tell


if (length of someText < 1) then
end if


set the clipboard to someText


return someText


on getNameDescriptionFromPerson(aPerson)
	if (aPerson is missing value) then
		return missing value
	end if
	set someText to name of aPerson
	if ((length of someText) < 1) then
		return missing value
	end if
	return someText
end getNameDescriptionFromPerson


on getAddressAtIndexFromPerson(aIndex, aPerson)
	if (aPerson is missing value) then
		return missing value
	end if
	if (aIndex < 1) then
		return missing value
	end if
	tell application "Contacts"
		set allAddresses to address of aPerson
		if (aIndex ≤ (count of allAddresses)) then
			return missing value
		end if
		set firstAddress to item aIndex of allAddresses
		set someText to ""
		set allLines to {}
		set someText to street of firstAddress
		if (someText is not missing value) then
			copy someText to the end of allLines
		end if
		set someText to zip of firstAddress
		if (someText is not missing value) then
			copy someText to the end of allLines
			set someText to city of firstAddress
			if (someText is not missing value) then
				set someText to last item of allLines & " " & someText
				set last item of allLines to someText
			end if
			set someText to city of firstAddress
			if (someText is not missing value) then
				copy someText to the end of allLines
			end if
		end if
		set someText to country of firstAddress
		if (someText is not missing value) then
			copy someText to the end of allLines
		end if
	end tell
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
	set someText to allLines as text
	if ((length of someText) < 1) then
		return missing value
	end if
	return someText
end getAddressAtIndexFromPerson


on getPhoneWithLabelFromPerson(aLabel, aPerson)
	if (aPerson is missing value) then
		return missing value
	end if
	tell application "Contacts"
		set someList to phones of aPerson
	end tell
	set someValue to my getValueFromListWithLabel(someList, aLabel)
	return someValue
end getPhoneWithLabelFromPerson


on getEmailWithLabelFromPerson(aLabel, aPerson)
	if (aPerson is missing value) then
		return missing value
	end if
	tell application "Contacts"
		set someList to emails of aPerson
	end tell
	set someValue to my getValueFromListWithLabel(someList, aLabel)
	return someValue
end getEmailWithLabelFromPerson


on getValueFromListWithLabel(aList, aLabel)
	if ((count of aList) < 1) then
		return missing value
	end if
	tell application "Contacts"
		repeat with nItem in aList
			set someLabel to label of nItem
			if (someLabel is aLabel) then
				set someValue to value of nItem
				if (length of someValue > 0) then
					return someValue
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return missing value
end getValueFromListWithLabel
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