ist dies ein guter Kauf?


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A smartband for Apple watch which can connect and transmit your location to your
favorite contacts in case you are in an emergency situation (Travelling, health,
sports, late night) by just stretching it?
Ich denke, das ist auf jeden Fall ein guter SPAM-Versuch! :cool:
SPAM? I wanted to have an honest view regarding this.
I have been developing this and want to develop something useful for the apple watch users.
Now is the time where I have to decide whether I continue with this. This would be a small contribution of yours if you tell me.
Sehr guter Kauf, ohne Frage. Ich würde da gleich 1000 Stück von kaufen! Zipfelklatscher.
Keine Ahnung was der Thread hier soll, aber das Smartband klingt total dämlich :D
Sachen gibts :p
Ich hab auch gleich mehrere bestellt, ich hoffe die haben auch so tolle Angebote für die Apple Watch 2 :music:
Traveling as an emergency situation? Ok …

first of all, when you want to explore a community like this one, investigating whether your ideas are useful or not, you should simply be polite, introducing yourself, and introducing your product with a comprehensive approach.

Don't hijack like that. We are all used to trolls.

Placing a product description without any further comments, why do you expect serious answers?

When this is your marketing approch, then, you are sending SPAM, and you should not complain about comments.

And, asking whether something is a "good buy", you should name a price...

Best regards, Ciccio
I think the idea is not that bad, but I've my concerns about the feasibility. It would need to be strong enough to survive daily usage and still somehow easily tearable. If you really believe in the feasibility of your idea, build a prototype, get in contact with manufactures, start a kickstarter campaign and see who's funding it after all.

p.s. this is a German forum, which means people expect to have posts in German.
p.s.s. if you're new to a forum and start a thread with post #1, add some extra politeness.
Hello All,
I took this approach from past experiences where people comment on shorter

It is also not a Spam. I am an engineer here in Germany and wanted to use
my electronics knowledge for the society.

I thought in future if my band survived, I can introduce this to developing
countries to avoid violence and crime.:rolleyes:
That was my intention.
LOL. Wie soll dass denn funktionieren?

Das "Smartband" ist eine Fußfessel und misst mit einem revolutionären Ansatz die Gehirnströme über den Unterschenkel!
Der Träger erhält einen Stromschlag, wenn er an "kriminelle Handlungen" denkt - so wird "Violence and Crime" verhindert.


Das Problem:

Der Akku!
Muss jeden Tag an die Steckdose - Stromschläge verbraten schließlich viel Energie!

Hi Gaulo,

No problem for battery, as the band drains battery only when stretched in case of emergency.
I cannot catch the criminals but I am doing what is in my hands.

Best wishes...
Oben Unten